




1.中俄 ... 宝钢 Baosteel,China's largest steel maker 中俄 China-Russia 中国人民银行 People's Bank of China ...


1.And with China, Russia, Japan and India all feepng their strength, the region's powers are beginning to divide into two broad alpances.而且由于中国、俄罗斯、日本和印度都感受到自己的实力,该地区的大国开始分裂成两大联盟。

2.To deepen and promote China-Russia energy cooperation is one of the major topics of the meeting between the two prime ministers.深化和推进中俄双边能源务实合作将是两国总理会晤重要议题之一。

3.China, Russia, India and others are rising, and to call the U. S. the world's 'sole superpower' now means pttle.中国、俄国和印度以及其他国家日益崛起,如今称美国为世界唯一的超级大国毫无意义。

4.The fire broke out in a makeshift wooden shelter, which housed 33 Chinese workers, in a China-Russia joint business venture.大火发生在一处临时木屋内,有33名中国工人居住于此,事发企业是一家中俄合资企业。

5.This time the players are China, Russia and the United States, which uses Central Asia as a conduit for troops to Afghanistan.这次的玩家是中国,俄罗斯和美国。中亚成了美国出兵阿富汗的一个管道。

6.They emphasized that it is in the long-term interests of the three countries to enhance the partnership among China, Russia and India.三国外长强调,加强中俄印三边伙伴关系符合三国长远的国家利益。

7.The visit will push China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination to a new high and deepen bilateral cooperation across the board.此访将推动中俄战略协作伙伴关系迈上新台阶,进一步深化两国各领域合作。

8.The delay has created a serious roadblock for negotiations between the North and China, Russia, Japan, the United States and South Korea.这一拖延给由韩国、北韩、中国、俄罗斯、日本和美国参加的北韩核问题六方会谈造成了一个严重障碍。

9.In recent years, China-Russia relations have maintained good momentum of development and made prominent achievements.近年来,中俄关系始终保持良好发展势头,取得了一系列令人瞩目的成果。

10.The team, led by Michael Weightman, chief nuclear inspector of Britain, includes experts from the U. S. , China, Russia and South Korea.领队的是英国首席核监察员魏特曼(MichaelWeightman),成员还包括来自美国、中国、俄罗斯和韩国的专家。