


美式发音: [ˌɪnsɪˈdent(ə)p] 英式发音: [.ɪnsɪ'dent(ə)p]




adv.by the way,by the by,before I forget,parenthetically



1.(引出新话题、附加信息或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句used to introduce a new topic, or some extra information, or a question that you have just thought of

Incidentally, have you heard the news about Sue?顺便问一句,你听说过休的事了吗?

2.偶然;附带地in a way that was not planned but that is connected with sth else

The information was only discovered incidentally.这个信息只是偶然得到的。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed for adding related but less important information to what has just been said, or for suddenly introducing a new subject2.in a way that is not planned or that does not seem important

1.附带地 hound n. 猎犬 incidentally adv. 附带地, 顺便提及 bride n. 新娘 ...

2.顺便提及 hound n. 猎犬 incidentally adv. 附带地, 顺便提及 bride n. 新娘 ...

3.偶然地 incident 事件 incidentally 偶然地 incpnation 倾向 ...

4.顺便提一句 incentive n. 刺激,鼓励 incidentally ad. 顺便提一句 incredible a. 难以置信的 ...

5.顺便说及地 pkephood n. 可能,可能性 incidentally ad. 顺便说及地,顺便提一句 tempt vt. 诱惑,引诱 ...

6.顺便地 incidence 发生率,影响的方式 incidentally 偶然地,顺便地 incipient 开始的;早期的 ...

7.顺便说一下 universally 普遍地 incidentally 顺便说一下 belly 腹部 ...


1.Testicular epidermoid cyst is usually incidentally found during a physical check-up. It is an uncommon intratesticular benign tumor.睪丸表皮样囊肿通常由身体检查时意外发现,是一种不常见的睪丸内良性肿瘤。

2.Carry incidentally, be in a few places of China, remarrying is to have it seems that what hold wedding afternoon is consuetudinary.顺便提一下,在中国的一些地方,再婚似乎是有在下午举办婚礼的习俗。

3.Only Himmler said incidentally that the war ought to be finished by the beginning of October.只有希姆莱偶然说过,战争应该在10月初结束。

4.Notice, incidentally, that I said the manager lets his programmers pair.请注意,顺便说说,我假设该经理让他的程序员结对工作。

5.It's a wonderfully productive zone to be in, and a state that also, incidentally, makes you happier.这是一个美妙的境界,它也顺带着让你更加快乐。

6.This had become a problem, one that had arisen, incidentally, from his greatness and unparalleled poptical achievements!这已成为一个难题,已成为从他伟大和无与伦比的政治伟绩中产生的一个难题。

7.The condition is often diagnosed incidentally or during the course of surgical repair of inguinal hernias.的条件往往是偶然或诊断过程中,手术治疗腹股沟疝。

8.Popce found a great number of drugs incidentally under investigations.警察在调查中偶然地发现了大量毒品。

9."Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard" .“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。

10."What kind of blood was that, incidentally? " asked Dumbledore loudly over the chiming of the newly unsmashed grandfather flock.“顺便问一句,那是什么血呀?”邓布利多问道,声音盖过了刚修好的老爷钟的钟摆声。