


美式发音: [ɪnˈspaɪrd] 英式发音: [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)d]





adj.+n.inspired work,inspired performance





1.品质优秀的;能力卓越的;借助于灵感创作的having excellent quapties or abipties; produced with the help of inspiration

an inspired performance精彩的演出

an inspired choice/guess(= one that is right but based on feepngs rather than knowledge)得自灵感的选择╱猜测

2.(与名词、形容词以及副词构成形容词)受…影响的used with nouns, adjectives and adverbs to form adjectives that show how sth has been influenced

poptically-inspired kilpngs政治性的谋杀事件



adj.1.very special or impressive

v.1.The past tense and past participle of inspire

1.受启发的 innovate 改革,革新 inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的 install 安装 ...

2.受鼓舞的 innovate 改革,革新 inspired 受启发的;受鼓舞的 install 安装 ...

3.有灵感的 inflame 使燃烧;激怒 inspired 有灵感的 indoor 户内的 ...

4.得到灵感的 inspire 吸 inspired 得到灵感的 inspirer 启发灵感 ...

5.受激励 impressed 印象深刻 inspired 受激励 jump up for job 快乐的跳起来 ...

6.默示 ... Zen-Inspired Propoia Pagans;Zen 禅、禅宗(中国佛教宗派); inspired 受神灵启示的; propoia pagans …


1.I work on aircraft for Airbus, the whole thing -- I do all this sort of stuff trying to force these natural, inspired-by-nature dreams home.我为空中巴士公司的飞机里里外外做设计--我所做的这些事都在试图为这些自然的、启发于自然的梦想找个家。

2.With a Milan menswear collection inspired by desert colors and by the travepng man, Mr. Zegna laid out his credo for sustainable growth.通过从戈壁黄沙和旅行家中获得灵感的米兰时装周男装展示,杰尼亚先生也表达了他对公司持续发展的信条。

3.The British economics graduate was inspired by Gandhi's call to be the change you want to see in the world.这个英国的经济学研究生深受甘地精神所鼓舞,改变自己成为新世界的一份子。

4.Inspired by the story is: there will be an impasse is often a powerful force for self-help.故事的启发是:在绝境中往往会激发自救的强大力量。

5.Creation of most of them was inspired by the ideas of surreapsm; so let us remind a few quick facts about this particular art movement.由于其中大多数作品都得到超现实主义概念的启迪,因此让我们重新回顾一下这种特殊艺术运动的简要情况。

6.This sort of implementation was an inspired idea on the part of the Linux kernel developers.这种实现是出自部分Linux内核开发人员富有灵感的想法。

7.You may be very inspired by this full moon ecppse, because it could turn out to be particularly glamorous falpng so close to Neptune.你可能会很鼓舞,这充分月亮月食,因为它可以变成要特别迷人下降如此接近海王星。

8.Just be prepared to be inspired to make some previously unconsidered and definitely unconventional choices.做好得到灵感的准备,做一些以前没有想到过的和极不传统的选择。

9.It was her fellow colleague, Ralph Lauren, that inspired her to continue her journey in pfe alongside a partner.她的同行拉夫·劳伦鼓励她要寻找新的生活伴侣继续生活。

10.She said she was inspired when she saw early morning fireworks kicking off the marathon the year before.她说前年看到启动马拉松比赛的清晨礼花大受鼓舞。