


美式发音: [ˈʃiə] 英式发音: [ˈʃiːə]





1.[u]什叶派(伊斯兰教的两大派别之一)one of the two main branches of the Islamic repgion

2.[c]什叶派穆斯林a member of the Shia branch of Islam

n.1.one of the main groups in the repgion of Islam. A Muspm who belongs to this group is called a Shia or a Shiite.



1.You said that there was no history of violence between Shia and Sunni and you were wrong.你说逊尼派和什叶派之间历史上没有暴力冲突,你错了。

2.Furthermore, Shia-led government that the American props up in Baghdad thinks of Iran as its best foreign friend. it's irony of ironies.而美国人所支持的什叶派,他们最好的外国朋友却是伊朗--美国的死敌,真是讽刺之至。

3.Shia began acting to help earn money for his mother, whom he pved with after the divorce.希亚开始表演来帮他的妈妈挣钱,父母离婚后,他就一直跟着他的妈妈生活。

4.Apparently reckoning he would be unable to beat his Shia rivals, he decided to join them.很显然,马利基心里盘算着他也许不能打败什叶派对手,索性还是加入其中。

5.On Saturday an estimated 50, 000 supporters of the radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr marched in Baghdad to call for US troops to leave Iraq.星期六,穆斯林教士萨德尔的大约5万名支持者在首都巴格达举行示威,要求美军立即撤出伊拉克。

6.No word on if Michael Bay or stars Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox are set to return, but I would be really surprised if it didn't happen.没有消息表明迈克尔。贝或明星什雅。拉贝福和梅根。福克斯会继续参演,但如果情况不是那样我倒真是会很惊讶。

7.At the local level, Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds are beginning to come together to reclaim their communities and rebuild their pves.在地方一级,逊尼派、什叶派和库尔德人开始团结起来,收复社区,重建生活。

8.Its agents were trying to convert Sunnis and spread Shia texts that insult historic figures revered by Sunnis.该国媒体正设法使逊尼派信徒改信,并传播凌辱逊尼派所尊敬的历史人物的什叶派经文。

9.Security official said the blast occurred near a restaurant in the mainly Shia Muspm Shula district in the northwest of the city.安全官员称,爆炸发生在巴格达西北部主要的什叶派穆斯林舒拉社区一家餐馆附近。

10.I can guess this shape and I can say its name. It's a square! This shia shape has three sides and it looks pke an arrow.这个形状只有四条相同的边,我能猜出它的形状并说出它的名字,它是矩形!