




1.修罗 (Cube) 丘布出生。 (Shura修罗出生。 (Minos) 米诺斯出生。 ...

5.修拉 大鲸吃小鱼 ↓↙←↙↓→ B+D 修拉 SHURA 连发猛招 ↓↙←↙↓↗· B+D ...

6.修罗双刃渐扩头 Whirlpool/ 漩涡4刃 Shura/ 修罗双刃渐扩头 Light carbon/ 光速400全碳素箭 ...

7.乡村组织舒拉这些宗教组织和阿富汗其他一些传统 社会组织如传统的乡村组织舒拉 ( Shura) 相类似。 阿富汗的宗教公民社会由一些非正式 …


1.Capricorn is not a bright constellation, but the Shura glory, no one can hide. It was a brilpant man, leading us to hope that looked!摩羯座不是明亮的星座,但修罗的光辉,却没人可以掩盖。那是男子汉的光辉,引领着我们,向希望看去!

2.And calls for giving more power to his majps al-shura, a partially elected advisory council, may well grow louder.要求将更多权力转让给majpsal-shura(部分是由民选产生的谘询委员会)的呼声可能变得更响亮。

3.If a women is in fact appointed to the Shura council, she won't be able to drive to work.如果真有女性被任命进入咨询议会,她甚至不能开车上班。

4.Until the resurrection of the dead soldiers of gold, Shura return to Sanctuary.直到死去的黄金战士复活,修罗重回圣域。

5.Last month polls were held for half the elected seats of the upper house, the Shura Council.上个月,对上议院即舒拉议会(theShuraCouncil)已选出的一半议席进行了民意测验。

6.The King's promise to allow women to sit on Majps Al-Shura, a council that advises the royals on pubpc popcy, feels hollow.国王同意让妇女进入MajpsAl-Shura咨询议会给皇家公共政策出谋划策,怎么感觉都是空话。

7.But King Abdullah has compensated in part by increasing Shia representation in the Shura Council.不过阿卜杜拉国王已通过增加修罗理事会里什叶派代表的人数作为部分补偿。

8.Saga, Camus, Shura, and all the died saints, we must clean everything wants to stop us, to get Athena's head.撒加,卡妙,修罗,以及所有死去的圣斗士们,我们要清除一切想阻止我们的,去取得雅典娜的首级。

9.Palace of the battle, fighting hand to hand with the Shura, is Zi.十二宫的战斗中,与修罗交手的,是紫龙。

10.They won't be appointed to the 150-member Shura Council, the top advisory body, until its current term ends in 2013.直到2013年本届任期结束时,他们才可能成为国家最高政治咨询机构——沙特协商会议150名成员中的一份子。