


网络释义:结构性投资工具(Structured Investment Vehicle);猴免疫缺陷病毒(simian immunodeficiency virus);猪流感病毒(swine influenza virus)


1.结构性投资工具(Structured Investment Vehicle)银行业酝酿SIV救助计划 在今年夏天的债券市场动荡过后…

2.猴免疫缺陷病毒(simian immunodeficiency virus)以猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV)和相应的CEMx-174细胞系统为模型,以3叠氮胸苷(azidothymidine,AZT)为阳性对照药物,以抗原阳性细胞 …

3.猪流感病毒(swine influenza virus)猪流感病毒(SIv)可引起猪流感(SI),也是猪呼吸道病综合征的原发性致病原,对猪群危害严重。sIv有A、B和c3种血清型,其血清亚 …

4.猴艾滋病毒目前用猴艾滋病毒(SIV) 种系发现人类感染进化史, 再用生物数理方法推算, 认为SIV 是HIV - 1 和HIV - 2 来源, 从猴到人病毒的传 …


1.Hunting, loss of habitat and disease are decreasing chimp numbers and it's hard to figure out how much of a factor SIV is, he said.他说,狩猎、栖息地的丧失以及疾病使黑猩猩的数量正在减少,很难弄清楚其中SIV病毒的因素有多少。

2.This was the strategy of obscure bodies known as structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and conduits.这就是那些高深莫测的机构(即所谓的结构性投资机构(SIV)和管道机构)所采用的策略。

3.One central sin that bedevilled the SIVs was that banks often used them for regulatory arbitrage.SIV身上的一大罪过是,银行经常利用它们进行监管套利。

4.Meanwhile, mention then of structured investment vehicles or Northern Rock to a G8 leader would have been met with a blank stare.与此同时,向一个G8领导人提结构性投资工具(SIV)或者北石头(NorthernRock)很可能会招致一个白眼。

5.Moreover, Protium is not exposed to the funding risk that blew up the SIVs, thanks to that monster loan.此外,由于获得巴克莱巨额贷款,Protium不存在摧毁了SIV的融资风险。

6.These days, of course, the word "SIV" has become almost as taboo as the phrase "subprime securitisation" .当然,“SIV”一词如今几乎和“次级贷款证券化”一样成为禁忌。

7.The gangrene of fear began to infect "real" banks, which investors reapsed were exposed to SIVs in unexpected ways.恐慌的坏疽开始感染“实体”银行——投资者意识到,实体银行以出乎意料的方式受到SIV的牵连。

8.Within weeks of receiving the injection of SIV, concentrations of the virus had fallen by at least 95 per cent in those treated.在接受SIV注射后的几个星期内,病毒的浓度在接种后的实验猴体内至少下降了95%。

9.thus, these important cells do not become activated during the initial stages when SIV infects.因此,在猴免疫缺陷病毒感染的初始期,这些重要的(树突状细胞)并没有被激活。

10.In October one of the last big SIVs, Sigma Finance Corporation, with $27 bilpon in assets, collapsed.今年10月,坐拥270亿美元资产的最后一家大型SIV,西格马金融公司也倒闭了。