



美式发音: [ˌɑntrəprəˈnʊr] 英式发音: [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)]



复数:entrepreneurs  搭配同义词

adj.+n.british entrepreneur




n.1.someone who uses money to start businesses and make business deals

1.企业家 Driving 驾车 Entrepreneurs 企业家 New Year 新年 ...

2.创业者ionals), 投资移民(investor), 企业家移民(entrepreneurs)自顾移民(self-employed), , 加拿大经验移民(Canadian experience clas...


6.创业者们 ... philanthropy 博爱,仁慈,慈善 entrepreneurs 企业家,主办人 multimilponaire 大富豪,千万富翁 ...


1.Businessmen may be worthy of government grants. But Americans are more pkely to call them "cronies" than "entrepreneurs" .商人也许值得接受政府资助,但美国人更可能会把他们称为“亲信”而不是“企业家”。

2.It has been a tremendous relative benefit to big business, and a barrier to entrepreneurs and small firms.这对大公司来讲利益还相对巨大,但对创业者和小公司却是一个障碍。

3.Those who are eager to leave are not the poor and desperate. On the contrary, most are entrepreneurs and students.这些人并非身陷贫穷和绝望之中,正相反,他们中大多数人是企业家或学生。

4.Solving problems is what entrepreneurs are guided to do and consumer-facing issues are easy to spot and often look ripe for addressing.创业者们常常被引导解决各种问题,而消费者的问题很容易被发现,因此旅游企业家通常看起来对解决客户问题驾轻就熟。

5.Social entrepreneurs must be vigilant about selecting cash income streams that do not pull the venture away from its core mission.社会企业家在选择现金收入来源时必须警惕,不要使企业偏离其核心使命。

6.In 1997, she was one of six entrepreneurs who founded NationLink, a telecom operator, in Mogadishu.1997年,包括纳斯拉·马林在内的6位企业家一起在摩加迪沙创建了NationLink电信运营公司。

7.The competition led some entrepreneurs and investors to say that it was a good time to sell the company.考虑到这种竞争因素,一些企业家和投资者说现在是出售该公司的好时机。

8.You've got to get out and hear from the entrepreneurs and business owners doing the producing, innovating and hiring in our economy.我们必须要从办公室里走出来,听取企业家和企业主们谈论他们的生产经营情况,他们公司的革新内容,以及他们的招聘计划。

9.This reflects the fact that entrepreneurs are springing up in every corner of the world, comppcating the battlefield still further.这反映了一个事实,那就是企业家在全世界每个角落涌现,使日益扩大的战场更趋复杂。

10.We have entrepreneurs and investment bankers but the attitude is all the same: He's fashion-conscious but he's not a fashionista.我们的顾客里有企业家,有投资银行家,不过他们的消费态度都是一致的:讲究时尚,但又并非时尚狂人。