


美式发音: [ˈmoʊˌtaʊn] 英式发音: [ˈməʊtaʊn]


n.汽车城音乐(流行于 20 世纪 60 和 70 年代,由本部在底特律的一家黑人唱片公司发行)




1.汽车城音乐(流行于 20 世纪 60 和 70 年代,由本部在底特律的一家黑人唱片公司发行)a style of music popular in the 1960s and 1970s, produced by a black music company based in Detroit


na.1.a type of African-American soul music from the U.S. city of Detroit, popular in the 1960s and 1970s


3.汽车城 底特律( Detroit) 汽车城( Motor City; Motown) 哈 特 福 德( Hartford) ...

4.摩城唱片作为美国摩城唱片Motown)最早期的大热艺人,Martha and the Vandellas的这首歌曲的取材本身就很夏天——每到热浪袭击 …

5.摩城唱片公司在“摩城唱片公司Motown)成立25周年纪念”演出上,迈克尔戴着他标志性的昵帽、单只莱茵石手套,穿着闪光的黑夹克,神 …

6.摩城音乐隔年在摩城音乐(Motown)年度特别电视节目上,麦克秀出他独步的舞蹈“月球漫步”。回顾麦克的一生,他曾经荣获13座葛莱美 …

7.魔城以“魔城(MOTOWN)”音乐而闻名,这是一种混合了摇滚乐以及黑人灵歌的音乐。十九世纪后期开始,美国非裔音乐家便在底特 …

8.汽车城音乐他爱电影、音乐季、汽车城音乐Motown)、英国喜剧团体蒙蒂巨蟒(Monty Python),而且经常随手取材,收进讲课内容和 …


1.Motown also happens to be the name of one of the best-known recording labels in the world.另外,摩城也正好是世上最着名的录音公司之一的名字。

2.One of the most explosive performances I've ever witnessed was Jackson spding across the stage at the Motown twenty-fifth anniversary show.我曾亲眼目睹过他最具爆炸性的表演,那是在底特律二十五周年展览会上杰克逊在舞台上滑行。

3.Her father was a jazz guitarist, and she remembers Motown, Bob Dylan and classical music being played around the house.她父亲是爵士吉他手,她记得从前家里一直播放着汽车城音乐,鲍勃·狄伦以及古典音乐。

4.Visitors to the Motown Historical Museum in Detroit, Michigan, experience some of the excitement of Motown's early years.游客只要来到密西根州底特律的摩城历史博物馆,即可体验摩城早期的兴奋事件。

5.Those with dementia tend to have lowered levels of embarrassment, even when watching themselves sing along to cheesy Motown hits.失智者往往对尴尬有着较低的反应水平,甚至在观看自己跟着唱出低俗的汽车城风格的歌曲时也是如此。

6.He aims to rock the market with a gorgeous $90, 000 plug-in hybrid and a business model that's more Sipcon Valley than Motown.他的目标是用一辆价值9万美元的电动混合车撼动汽车市场,而其商业模式更像硅谷的而非(美国底特律)汽车城。

7.It's in Motown, which is short for "Motor Town, " which is a nickname for Detroit, the Motor City and home of the U. S. auto industry.就是在Motown,它是汽车城的缩写(MotorTown),也是汽车城市及美国汽车工业之家底特律的绰号。

8.psten to club, the R&B, to Motown, to disco. And I, what I did, I combined both elements.听一半俱乐部,R&B的,以汽车城,迪斯科。而我,我做什么,我结合这两个因素。

9.Thoroughly frustrated by the dating scene in Motown, he has decided to move.因为对底特律的约会场所彻底失望,他决定离开。

10.This would probably go for every album he recorded and probably pre-dating [Sony] to his Motown days.这可能是寻自他的每一张专辑,并准备参加底特律音乐节的。