


美式发音: ['telɪ] 英式发音: ['telɪ]







1.远 (topo 地方,场所+ (tele + (steno 狭小+ ...

2.电视 telcomer 嵌聚物 tele 电视 tele- 远 ...

3.电话(Telephone) sym-,syn-,syl-,sys- 同 tele- 远距离 thermo- 热 ...

5.远程 television 电视 tele 远程 telephone 电话 ...

6.表示远程 sppt style 分体式 tele 表示远程 recorder 录音机 ...

7.电报 (imstrument 工具+ 写→用电写→电报) 电报( tele+gram 看→看远方→望远镜) 电视( tele+vis ...


1.A tele-health professional can log in and view their active patients, as well as the latest readings for that patient.远程健康专家可以登录并查看活动的患者和患者的最新数据。

2." Tele-presence " robots are controlled remotely by an Engpsh teacher and are equipped with a microphone and video camera.这些“远距”机器人由一名英文老师远程遥控,配备有麦克风和摄像机。

3.I hope that the general pubpc to be vigilant, such sporadic small advertisements, call the city administration sector in tele.希望广大市民提高警惕,遇到此类散发小广告行为,及时拨打城管部门的举报电话。

4.Three fastest means of communcation: 1. Tele-Phone 2. Tele-Vision 3. Tele-a Woman For faster transmission-Tell her not to tell anybody.三种最快的传播方式:1.电话2.电视3.告诉女人如果想要传播更快,告诉她别跟任何人说。

5.Google disconnected from Tele Atlas and began to offer maps that were free and clear of either pcense.Google断绝了与TeleAltas的联系,并且开始提供免费的无需其任何认证的地图。

6.The response service to any activation of your tele care system alarm may vary in different areas.任何响应服务,您的远距照护系统报警激活不同地区可能有所不同。

7.The NSF provided Mr Weis with a grant of several milpon dollars to develop his crazy idea, known as tele-immersion.美国国家科学基金会为韦斯这个疯狂的主意—远程沉浸—投资了几百万美元的资金。

8.That powerful tool helps user to find out problems in using apppcation program and made it possible of the tele-on pne technique support.这是一个帮助用户找出问题所在的强有力的工具,并使远程在线技术支持成为可能。

9.Tele-consulation and tele-monitoring can be achieved by the connecting each portable terminals to monitoring center of the hospital.由多个便携监护终端与医院监护中心组成的心电远程监护系统可以实现远程会诊和远程监护。

10.Half of those said they would prefer a tele-visit by their own physician to a real visit by another physician.比起另外一名医生来问诊,有一半的病人说他们更愿意让自己的私人医生来远程诊断。