

Southeast Asia

美式发音: [ˌsaʊθist ˈeɪʒə] 英式发音: [ˌsaʊθiːst ˈeɪʒə]




na.1.the part of Asia that contains the countries of Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, and the Phipppines

1.东南亚 ... "/seven-seas-cruises" 丽晶七海" >丽晶七海</ "/destinations/Southeast-Asia" 东南亚" >东南亚</ ...


1.It has a position in India and Southeast Asia similar to that of Latin and Greek in Europe, and is a central part of Hindu tradition.就像欧洲的拉丁和希腊语一样,梵语在印度和东南亚有重要位置,是印度传统文化的核心部分。

2.Several years ago, when I was just a few weeks away from a big trip through Southeast Asia, I was at the peak of excitement.几年前,在我还没去东南亚旅行的前几周,我极度的兴奋。

3.Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business.贩卖儿童的行为在东南亚地区日益猖獗,成千上万的孩子被这种有利可图的暗中交易所利用。

4.In Southeast Asia, Aldrich found that well-intentioned NGOs actually hurt the fishing communities they were trying to help.在亚洲东南部,奥德里奇发现出于善意的非政府组织确实破坏了他们本想帮助的渔民部落。

5.The Commission's decision came toward the end of another tense day in Thailand, one of Southeast Asia's main economies and a tourism center.周一,作为东南亚主要经济体及旅游中心的泰国又度过了时局紧张的一天。选举委员会的决定公布于当日结束之前。

6.I save a great deal of money by beginning most of my Round-the-World trips from Southeast Asia.在我大部分从东南到亚洲的环游世界旅程之始我省了大笔钱。

7.From this I saw that the question of forming a Supreme Alped Command in Southeast Asia and drawing boundary pnes was approaching.根据这一点,我看出了在东南亚成立盟军最高司令部和划定界线的问题即将来到。

8.Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia, the Subcontinent, not to speak of Latin America, were all seized long before Mesopotamia or the Levant.撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲,东南亚,南亚次大陆,更不用说拉美了,在美索不达米亚或累范特(theLevant)之前,长期以来都处于西方的控制之下。

9.By 2004, Southeast Asia was one backpacking destination I had yet to see.2004年,东南亚成了我背包游的下一个目的地。

10.What if you quit your job and headed for southeast Asia with nothing but a small backpack?要是你辞掉工作,只背一个小包就去到东南亚,又怎么样?