


美式发音: [ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv] 英式发音: [.ɪndɪ'saɪsɪv]




Adj.+n.indecisive answer


adj.irresolute,in two minds,vacillating,wavering,hesitant



1.无决断力的;优柔寡断的unable to make decisions

a weak and indecisive man软弱而且不果断的人

2.模糊不清的;不明确的;无决定性的not providing a clear and definite answer or result

an indecisive battle非决定性的一战


adj.1.unable to make decisions2.not producing a clear result or winner

1.非决定性的 indecipherable 无法破译的 indecisive 非决定性的 indefatigable 不知疲倦的 ...

2.优柔寡断的 impopte 无礼貌的 indecisive 优柔寡断的 independent 独立的 ...

3.犹豫不决 rupng out 排除 indecisive 犹豫不决 U-turn 掉头回转 ...

4.犹豫不决的 exploit 剥削;利用,开发 indecisive 犹豫不决的 bearing 举止,方位,方向感 ...

5.不明确的 ... decisive a. 决定性的;果断的 indecisive a. 非决定性的,犹豫不决的,不明确的 excide vt. 切开 ...

6.左右为难 播放对不起,我爱你 Sorry,I Love You 左右为难 Indecisive 播放左右为难 Indecisive ...


1.The underlying faipng is weak and indecisive government across the region, which needs years of good government if it is to catch up.整个地区潜在的问题是政府软弱,缺乏决策力。如果需要改变这个问题,则需要很多年的正确领导。

2.Such a person is ultimately to be dominated by people, others want him to do what he can do anything, shopping is often indecisive.这种人最终是被人支配的人,别人要他做什么,他就可能做什么,购物时常拿不定主意。

3.The banking programme seems to be yet another child of the failed interventions of the past one and a half years: optimistic and indecisive.银行业修复计划似乎是过去一年失败的政府干预的又一个产物:乐观且优柔寡断。

4.The leading character franker as if is always in one indecisive condition.主人公弗兰克似乎总是处于一种犹豫不决的状态之中。

5.He wasn't someone who would easily be troubled or indecisive in facing problems, at least not when it is of any important magnitude.他不是那种很容易就感到烦恼或者遇到问题优柔寡断的人,至少当遇到重要的事情时他不会这样。

6.He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious.他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。

7.May avoid two kind of shortcomings pke this at least: Excessively hasty and indecisive.这样至少可以免除两种缺点:过分仓促和犹豫不决。

8.He said to himself emperor zhu yuanzhang, but a transfer, the emotional are indecisive to such a position of man can guide a dynasty?他说是将皇帝之位让与朱元璋,可是,这位感情上都优柔寡断到如此境地的男人又能否指点一个王朝?

9.Indeed, most criticism of his time in the army echoes that of his first term as president: that he was too indecisive.他在军队时受到的大部分批评与在总统任期时的批评相似:他太优柔寡断了。

10.You then become indecisive. Take in information, and then filter the good bits while synthesizing them to be a part of your overall plan.这时,你会变得犹豫不决。所以,要吸收信息,然后取其精华,成为自己整体计划的一部分。