


网络释义:细胞间粘附分子;细胞间黏附分子;美国空军(Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing)


1.细胞间粘附分子thod 的缩写,是美国空军在70年代末80年代初ICAM(Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing)工程在结构化分析和设计方法 …



1.It was also found to have association with expression of ICAM-1 in few studies.并有研究表明其可能对ICAM-1表达产生影响,可能是与多种疾病相关的机制之一。

2.In addition, a great deal of inflammatory factors can activate the expression of ICAM-1 protein and lead to inflammatory cascade reaction.另外,许多炎性因子可激活ICAM-1蛋白表达,导致炎症的级联反应。

3.abstract: Objective: Studying on the internal relationship of TCM phlegm syndrome and ICAM-1.目的:探讨中医痰证性疾病与ICAM-1蛋白之间的内在联系。

4.Compared with the normal pregnant D9 rats, the abortive ones showed distinct decrease of ER and ICAM-1 expression in the decidua.与正常妊娠大鼠相比,流产大鼠子宫蜕膜中ER和ICAM-1表达均显著降低。

5.Clearly ICAM-1 stained was found in highly rejected group (ACI-LEW) from the first day after transplantation.高度排斥反应组(ACI-LEW)移植后第1天开始发现ICAM-1的强染色。

6.The level of MDA in brain tissue and ICAM in blood serum of microsmashing hirudo H group is lower than coarse smashing hirudo group.水蛭微粉高组大鼠脑组织中的MDA、血清中的ICAM水平明显低于粗粉组。

7.Methods ICAM-1 expression in endothepals was measured by immunohistochemistry.方法采用免疫组化测定培养内皮细胞粘附分子表达。

8.Methods Plasma levels of ICAM-1were tested in patients with acute coronary syndrome at hospitapzation, one week later and at discharge.方法测定急性冠状动脉综合征(ACS)患者在入院即刻、入院1周、出院时的血清ICAM-1浓度,并与对照组比较分析。

9.HE and immunohistochemical staining were performed to observe the intensity of corneal rejection and the level of ICAM-1.HE染色及免疫组化染色观察免疫排斥反应的程度及ICAM-1表达程度。

10.ICAM-1 increased in the uteri of D4 pregnant rats, peaked in the D6, and decpned significantly in the D9.ICAM-1表达量在妊娠D4大鼠子宫各部中增加,在D6达最高峰,而在D9又显著降低。