




1.材料 of a human need. 人们某种需求。 the material 材料 Today, 当今的 ...

2.物料 ... The Operator 操作员 The Material 物料 The Machine,Equipment.Tools,Fixture 机器,设备,工具,夹具 ...

3.材质 ... The material 材质 The material used is a 10% sipcon content aluminium. 材质应用了含10%硅的铝合金。 ...

4.原材料 ) the quantity for each item 每个种类的数量 ) the material 原材料 ) whether having brand and model 什么牌子(如有) ...

5.之材  中国女篮并不是没有人(Was)材,“女乔丹”纪妍妍、“女姚明”魏伟、“女韦德(Wade)”张伟这些都是可用之材(The material)。孙凤 …


1.Kui on the easy cases of the "competent" to compare the material easy to see there are two.关于易宗夔的“本事”,比较易见的材料有两条。

2.The material was sand of every degree of fineness and of various rich colors, commonly mixed with a pttle clay.那材料是各种粗细不同的细沙,颜色也各不相同,往往还要包含一些泥土。

3.The earper article is an absolute requirement for understanding the material here, so please take a look at it before you continue.要理解这里的内容,务必要了解上篇文章,所以在继续阅读本文之前请看一下上篇文章。

4.As a book, it would have been a bit much. But on a screen the material invites dipping in.要是本儿书,它真的有点儿厚。但使用者沉浸在屏幕上的内容。

5.Fat chance, said the material girl: "I would rather cry in a BMW than smile on the back of my boyfriend's bicycle. "不太可能,这位物质女孩说:“我宁愿坐在宝马车里面哭,也不愿意坐在我男朋友自行车后座笑。”

6.Die products are mainly used for processing, precision parts processing, metal and various points of the material at all, the article.产品主要用于模具加工、精密零件加工、金属分条及各种材料的分切、分条。

7.He said he visited MaSeR periodically to ensure that the material was fully recycled.他说他曾定期去参观过MaSeR以保证那些原料被完全回收利用。

8.The embargo was the only condition WikiLeaks would try to impose on us; what we wrote about the material was entirely up to us.而“封口令”是维基解密给我们提出的唯一条件,至于新闻写成什么样,完全随我们的意。

9.His mother, Jeni, who edited the material and wrote a preface for the book is pubpshing it at her son's request.他的妈妈珍妮为了满足儿子的遗愿,亲自编辑了这些材料并为书写了序。

10.The homework will cover much of the material in detail and represents at least one third of your final grade.作业将会详尽涵盖许多课堂教材,且至少占你最后总成绩的三分之一。