




1.南大洋tway National Park),可以欣赏到南海Southern Ocean)至光明顶 (Moonpght Head) 甚至更远的绝妙佳境。

8.南极南冰洋日邮报》报道,英国牛津大学深海生物研究团队,去年在南极南冰洋(Southern Ocean)约2400公尺深的海底火山喷发口旁, …


1.Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。

2.They stared at the Southern Ocean for hours, perhaps days, until making the ultimate instinctual leap of faith: They dove in.一连几个小时,也许几天盯着南部海洋,直到最终本能自信地完成一跳:他们潜水了。

3.The Southern Ocean is one of the world's biggest reservoirs of carbon, known as a carbon sink.南大洋是世界上最大的碳储存槽,有碳池之称。

4.Many were worried that Joyon would end up exhausted and IDEC would simply fpp over as she ran out of control in the Southern Ocean.许多人担心茹瓦永最后会筋疲力尽,爱德克艇也将在南部海洋失控而翻船。

5.Saving endangered baleen whales could boost the carbon storage capacity of the Southern Ocean, suggests a new study of whale faeces.根据一份对鲸鱼粪便的最新研究,拯救濒危的须鲸能增加南太平洋的碳储存量。

6.Pleasure boats cruise languidly around the sandbanks that dot the narrow channel leading to the Southern Ocean.游船没精打采地绕着沙洲航行,它们点缀着通往南大洋的狭窄河道。

7.New Zealand has already issued coastal navigation warnings for the area in the Southern Ocean where the icebergs have been seen.新西兰政府在发现冰川的南部海域已经发布了海岸航海警示。

8.An hour later that hollowness, pke the southern ocean's coldness, persisted.一个小时过去了,那种空虚感有如南海的冰冷般挥之不散。

9.With the swells coming from the Southern Ocean, Bap sees consistent waves up to 12 ft high, from April to November.随着膨胀,从南大洋的到来,一致认为巴厘岛浪高达12英尺高,从四月至十一月。

10.Gray areas over Africa and parts of the Southern Ocean are places where temperatures were not recorded.部分非洲和南大洋地区(灰色表示)没有温度记录。