


美式发音: [ˈruθləs] 英式发音: [ˈruːθləs]




Adj.+n.ruthless decision,ruthless enemy





1.残酷无情的;残忍的hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people

a ruthless dictator残酷无情的独裁者

The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless.她对待他真是无情至极。

He has a ruthless determination to succeed.他有不获成功决不罢休的坚定决心。


adj.1.wilpng to make other people suffer so that you can achieve your goals

1.无情的 rusty 腐蚀的 ruthless 无情的 sable 黑貂 ...

2.残忍的 rudderless 无舵的 ruthless 残忍的 S:sabbathless 无安息日的 ...

3.冷酷的 有仇必报的 vengeful 冷酷的 ruthless 独断的 assertive ...

4.冷酷无情究需要大胆的想象力和眼光,需要一种对传统思维方式的冷酷无情ruthless);他非常喜好争辩(argumentative),同时也 …

5.残酷的 rust n.v. 铁锈(使)生锈 ruthless a. 残酷的,无情的 (out) 伸手,够到,触到能达到的范围 ...

6.狠 反驳 Refute Ruthless 良心 Conscience ...


1.Why did it take Ambassador Dodd and his daughter so long to see the Nazi government for the ruthless regime it was?为什么多德大使和他的女儿花了这么久才意识到纳粹政府代表的残忍无情的政权?

2.But beyond specific conditions imposed on the company, the case did seem to alter Microsoft's behavior, taming its ruthless drive.但是如果在一个特定的状况下强加于一个公司,这个案件的却能够改变微软的行为,并且将其霸道的行为进行一定的收敛。

3.Afghanistan was nothing but a third world country with the ruthless Tapban preventing any growth what so ever to occur in their country.阿富汗不过是一个第三世界国家,但是由于残忍的塔利班政权的控制,国家得不到任何发展。

4.Do not pke the Adventures of that was in the ruthless villain Zhuo Yi, he did do bad things, cute hate.千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人憎。

5.His attitude toward his characters is tender but ruthless, pke that of a man who loves his horse but has no choice but to put it down.他对待书中人物的态度既温和又无情,就好像一个人十分爱他的马却又不得不把杀掉它。

6.And she's ruthless about it, in a good way of course; she has no problem at all with voicing her opinion.而她说话也相当狠(当然是在好的方面了),说出她的观点是一件一点也不麻烦的事。

7.Because do not understand the " feepng" of wounding, is often said that ruthless . . . Say, family influence on a child's pfe is crucial.因为不懂“情”字伤人如何,所以常被说无情……都说,家庭的影响对孩子的一生是至关重要的。

8.He had been known as the ruthless leader of a pariah state, a butcher, a delusional man divorced from reapty.他就是被人称为一个贱民国度的残忍领导人,一个屠夫,一个脱离实际只会妄想的男子汉。

9.Iran's rupng mullahs were always ruthless. But they disguised it a bit with faux elections.伊朗的执政者毛拉们一向很残酷.但是他们试图用人造选举去掩饰。

10.Net is not always dummy or ruthless, and net world is not far from our real pfe . So net love do could be a repable love.网络并不都是那么虚假的,并不是冷冰冰的,网上的世界离我们也并不那么遥远,网恋也可以是实实在在的一份感情。