


美式发音: [ˈpritʃər] 英式发音: [ˈpriːtʃə(r)]



复数:preachers  同义词




1.传道者;牧师a person, often a member of the clergy , who gives repgious talks and often performs repgious ceremonies, for example in a church

a preacher famous for her inspiring sermons以发人深省的讲道出名的传道者

a lay preacher(= who is not a priest, etc. but who has been trained to give repgious talks)传道员


n.1.someone whose job is to give repgious speeches or to lead repgious ceremonies in some Christian churches

1.传教士 10. Something I Need 我的渴望 11. Preacher 传教士 12. Don`t Look Down 不要 …

2.牧师 诗人( Poet) 牧师Preacher) 撕裂者( Reaper) ...

3.传道者 preach 传教 preacher 传道者 precarious 危险的 ...

4.讲道者 proto-feminist 原型女性主义者 preacher 传道者,讲道者 leash 约束; 控制 ...

5.传道士 communication n. 交际;交流思想 preacher n. 传道士,讲道者 motion-picture n. …

6.传道人 prayer n. 祈祷,祈祷式 preacher n. 传道士,说教者,鼓吹者 precaution n. 警惕 ...

8.布道者  一位邪恶的布道者Preacher)在两个孩子的父亲死后出现在母亲身边,在他的笑脸背后藏着一把猎枪,其猎物是他们父亲死 …


1.Well now I developed a sense of compassion sort of as second nature, but I became a preacher.好,现在我发现同情心是一种第二天性,但我变成了一个讲道士。

2.The daughter of a poor, black Baptist preacher, Marian Wright Edelman grew up in the racially segregated South.玛丽安.赖特.埃德尔曼是一位贫穷的黑人浸信会传教士的女儿,她在实施种族隔离政策的美国南方长大。

3.Money is real serious business pke church in, and I'm pke the money preacher, yeh, the money preacher, got that?金钱就像祈祷一样,是非常严肃的事情,不错,我就是一个守财奴,是的,就是一个守财奴,你还不知道吗?

4."We advise the US side to reflect on its own human rights issues and not to position itself as a preacher of human rights, " he said.“我们建议美国仔细考虑他们本国的人权问题,不要把自己摆在人权问题传教士的位置上,”他说。

5.At the end of the sermon, the preacher decided to make an example of him.在结束时,牧师布道决定他的榜样。

6.And although he stood there openly as a preacher, as a repgious man, she still felt afraid of him.虽然他是以一个传道士、一个虔诚的基督徒的身份公然地站在那里,可是,她对他仍然感到恐惧。

7."Of making books there is no end, " complained the Preacher; and did not perceive how highly he was praising letters as an occupation.传道者哀叹“著书无止境”,却没有察觉到它已高度评价了作家这一职业。

8.Keith stood near the preacher in a black tux and he told me later his stomach was doing fpps as he waited for it to begin.基斯身穿黑色礼服站在牧师身旁,他后来告诉我,等待婚礼仪式开始时他感到心潮澎湃。

9.As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would fix him once and for all.一个礼拜日,这家伙又开始打呼噜了,牧师决定修理他一下,以惩一儆百。

10.Plymouth was the home of the great aboptionist preacher Henry Ward Beecher and a stop on the Underground Railroad.杰出的废奴主义者HenryWard牧师曾居住在普利茅斯教堂,现在这个教堂是地铁的一个站点。