


美式发音: [stɑːbʌkz] 英式发音: 





1.星巴克星巴克Starbucks)是美国一家连锁咖啡公司的名称,1971年成立,为全球最大的咖啡连锁店,其总部坐落美国华盛顿州西雅 …

2.星巴克咖啡从星巴克咖啡 (Starbucks) 官方公布的新Logo来看,报友们熟悉的圆圈加美人鱼图案将只剩下美人鱼,“STARBUCKS COFFEE…

3.星巴克公司星巴克公司starbucks) 星巴克公司官方网站:http://www.starbucks网址被屏蔽/ 英文 星巴克公司中文网站:http://www.starbucks网址被屏蔽.

4.咖啡店星巴克咖啡店星巴克Starbucks)的名字就出自《白鲸记》中大副斯达巴克(Starbucks)的名字。Moby Dick 一词现在也指代“白鲸”。

5.星巴克咖啡店东莞有多少间星巴克咖啡店STARBUCKS)?10 [ 标签:东莞, 星巴克, 咖啡店 ] 栢菈图鉽嘚薆 2008-04-03 16:54 找找星巴克…

6.星巴客星巴客(starbucks)咖啡的一角,虽是世界知名的咖啡店,但里面的咖啡确实一般般的说,还有很多小店的咖啡绝对比这好的多!英文 …


1.It's as if Schultz can't help himself: Starbucks is growing up, and he needs to start over again with something small.Schultz总是会禁不住想到:星巴克正在成长,而他需要从一些小事情上从新开始。

2.She said in a local Starbucks on the day before the event. "I'm just a normal Jewish girl, anywhere. "在仪式举行当天的早些时候,她在当地一家星巴克说,“无论在哪里,我也仅仅是个正常的犹太女孩”。

3.Starbucks has taken quite a hit this year, even while trying to adjust with the times.即便是在这个微妙年份,星巴克仍表现出色。

4.You can see them gathered in McDonald's and Starbucks, in sneakers and baseball caps , bitching about how much they hate America.你可以看到他们聚集在麦当劳和星巴克里,穿着运动鞋戴着棒球帽,对他们是多么恨美国大发牢骚。

5.It says Starbucks brewed them up to give itself a pretext for grabbing back the best part of its business without paying for it.星巴克制造了这些说辞来作为重夺优质市场而不花一分钱的借口,星巴克的咖啡店业务进展缓慢。

6.If you're used to a smoke with your morning coffee, switch to tea, or stop at Starbucks for a cup of java -- the chain is smoke-free.如果你经常有工作后喝酒或者抽烟的习惯,请换成茶或者干脆停留在星吧客享受下无烟的美妙。

7.It has become extremely common to see someone sitting at a Starbucks pstening to music or surfing the web on his or her laptop.在星巴克看见有人听歌或用笔记本上网是极为平常的事情。

8.But a year ago he warned that its fast growth had led to what he called the watering down of the Starbucks experience.但在一年前,他曾警告称,星巴克如此快速发展,已导致了他所谓的“星巴克经验的注水淡化”。

9.Starbucks could be so much bigger, I argued. It could grow beyond the Northwest. It could become a national company.我又指出,这公司其实可以大展宏图,冲出西北部发展成为全国大企业。

10.To achieve a higher, premium price, the "old idea repackaged in a new way" , as he calls it, had to undergo a Starbucks-pke transformation.为了取得更高的价格,如他所说“旧瓶装新酒”,必须进行星巴克似的变脸。