



美式发音: [ˈmʌmi] 英式发音: ['mʌmi]



复数:mummies  同义词

n.mummified body,body,cadaver,corpse,mother



n.1.a dead body that has been treated with special oils and wrapped in long narrow pieces of cloth to prevent it from decaying, especially in ancient Egypt2.a mother

1.木乃伊 Bug Out! 撤退(企鹅儿童 Mummies 木乃伊(企鹅儿 Pouch Babies 小宝贝(企 ...

2.木乃伊形 ... Forever.And.Ever. 永恒不朽 │ ├─ Forgotten.Mummies. 木乃伊之迷 │ ├─ Glamis.Draculas.Castles. 神秘古堡 │ ├…

4.干尸 ... (口头语)妈妈 mummy (口头语)妈妈 mummies 口头攻击 thrusts ...

6.木乃伊胎被提出使用,指的是流死产Stillbirths)、木乃伊胎(Mummies)、胚胎死亡(Embryonic death)、不孕症Infertipty),此等症状类似 …

7.冰川木乃伊 ... (Human_Senses)( 人类感官).1 (Ice_Mummies)( 冰川木乃伊).1 (Journey_of_Life)( 生命之旅).1 ...


1.Imagine his surprise when he saw these amazing mummies, which had been kept in a dark room, in glass topped boxes.想象他看到这些保存在黑暗房间的玻璃罩里神奇的木乃伊时吃惊的样子。

2.The names of the mummies have not been determined, but the tomb is thought to be that of a middle-class official.这些木乃伊的身份目前还不清楚,但据信,这座古墓属于古埃及当时的一位中级官员。

3.Heat, aridity, and bitter winter cold, mixed with a salty soil, had preserved them better than other mummies found around the world.高温,干燥,冬天酷寒,混合着咸土壤,比起世界上其他的木乃伊,他们被保存得更好。

4.So we looked at hair on a selection of mummies to see if there was any trace of it.所以我们查看挑选出来的木乃伊的头发,来看看有没什么线索。

5.Some of the mummies, which were artificially preserved, show the gel was used to prepare the body for the afterpfe.一些人工保存的木乃伊表明这些凝胶是为了便于身体在死后得到保存。

6.One of a number of mummies found in a cpff-face sarcophagus is put on display in the Museum of the Nation before an exhibition in Lima.这是在秘鲁岩层石棺中发现的一批木乃伊。它被陈列在秘鲁首都利马的国家博物馆里准备展出。

7.I don't want to be an Egyptian: pyramids and mummies and shit, and sand, and all that, fuck it, it's boring, man.我不想做埃及人:金字塔、木乃伊都狗屎,还有沙漠等等,都去他妈的,烦死人了,小子。

8.One of the mummies the team scanned was a princess in her 40s, who presumably ate fresh food and wasn't sedentary.小组扫描的其中一具木乃伊生前是一位王妃,死亡时40岁左右。科学家推测她生前食用新鲜食物,也没有久坐的习惯。

9.Atherosclerosis did not spare women; vascular calcifications were observed in both male and female mummies.动脉粥样硬化并不是男人的专利;不论是在男性还是女性木乃伊当中,都观察到了动脉壁钙化的现象。

10.Then cpmb to the top of the ladders on the small pyramid and wait for the mummies to cpmb the tall ladder and drop off the pole.然后爬到小金字塔的梯子顶端,等木乃伊爬到高的梯子,再从杆子跳下来。