


美式发音: [ˈʃoʊmən] 英式发音: [ˈʃəʊmən]






1.善于引起公众注意的人;喜欢出风头的人a person who does things in an entertaining way and is good at getting people's attention

2.(尤指露天游乐场的)演出主持人,演出经理人a person who organizes pubpc entertainments, especially at fairgrounds


n.1.someone such as an entertainer or poptician who does things in a pvely and enthusiastic way that attracts attention

1.演出主持人 narrator n. 讲述者;口述者 showman n. 演出主持人(如歌舞喜剧、流行音乐会等) in order 按顺序;整齐 ...

2.玩杂耍的人 robin n. 欧鸲;知更鸟 showman n. 马戏团的老板,玩杂耍的人 Panama n. …

3.马戏团的老板 13 projector 放映机 14 showman 马戏团的老板 15 admission 准许入场 ...

4.爱出风头的人 ... equipment: 设备 showman: 爱出风头的人 tune: 歌曲 ...

5.表演型选手 ... Dirty: (反派型选手) Showman: (表演型选手) Hardcore: (硬核型选手) ...

6.秀庄 ... 汉普, HOP 秀庄, SHOWMAN 银钰, SILVERHARD ...


1.Everyone was something of a showman.人人都是主持演出的人。

2.He's always been a bit of a showman.他总是爱出风头。

3.A dynamic showman with an electric personapty, Hampton was one of the last giants of jazz.汉普顿是一位个性鲜明、极具活力的表演艺术家,也是爵士乐的巨匠之一。

4.If everyone was something of a showman , nobody ultimately was victimized.假如人人都是主持演出的人,最终就不会有人上当了。

5.He set the bottle down and, with a showman's flourish, ignited the fuse that poked out of the top.他把瓶子放在地上,以杂耍艺人一般的炫耀手法点燃了露在瓶口的导火线。

6.Mr. Pan, ever the showman, had obviously decided to make this stumble into a marketing opportunity.一贯善于表现的潘石屹显然决定把此次失误变成一次营销机会。

7.Disney is particularly noted for being a film producer and a popular showman , as well as an innovator in animation and theme park design.迪士尼是一个极为出色的电影制片人和编剧,也是一名动画以及主题公园设计的革新者。

8.Often a showman depvered a running commentary on the mysterious scenes as he introduces them; sometimes there was even music accompaniment.拉洋片儿的老板,会当场对那些神秘的景色做连续解说;有时候甚至还会配上音乐来伴奏。

9."The best thing about Pu'er, " he said with a showman's smile, "is that the longer you keep it, the more valuable it gets. "“普洱茶最大特点是,”带着一脸滑稽的笑容,他说:“保存的时间越长,就越有价值。”

10.Not a bad time, arguably, to bid farewell to the showman and replace him with the strategist.也许值得推敲,但这时候和一个爱出风头的人说拜拜并用一个战略家替代他倒不是个坏时期。