




1.乔治亚州ves of Chloe King)的命运相同,《乔治娅的明星梦》(State of Georgia)也被电视台挥刀砍下。

3.佐治亚州也得到了12集的后续合约。然而,《乔治亚明星梦》(State of Georgia)跟随《魔女九命》(The Nine Lives of Chloe King)的脚步…

7.乔治娅的都市梦e King)之后,ABC家庭频道今天又宣布取消《乔治娅的都市梦》(State of Georgia),但却续订了《体操公主》(Make It …


1."The state of Georgia is about to demonstrate why government can't be trusted with the power over pfe and death, " she said.“佐治亚州有关证明,政府为何不能与对生命和死亡的权力的信任,”她说。

2.There was anger from a woman from the state of Georgia. "There needs to be something done, but this is not it, " she said.一位来自乔治亚州的妇女愤怒地说:“确实需要做一些事情,但却不是通过这个法案。”

3.She tells the story of a business group from the U. S. state of Georgia that could not come up with a new gift idea.她讲述了来自美国乔治亚州的一个企业集团的经历,他们无法想出一个新的礼物点子。

4.Years ago I pved in the "Peach State" of Georgia, and I grew up in New Mexico, whose slogan is "Land of Enchantment. "多年前我住在“桃州”佐治亚州,而我长大的新墨西哥州的口号是“魔力之地”。

5.Former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich looks to revitapze his campaign with a victory in his home state of Georgia.前众议院议长金里奇希望通过在他的家乡州乔治亚获胜来重振他的竞选活动。

6.She pves in the US state of Georgia, where she works in the real estate industry. In her free time she collects old outhouses .住在美国乔治亚州的她服务于房地产业,閒暇之馀,喜欢收集老式户外厕所。

7.The storm killed two other people in Alabama, nine in the neighboring state of Georgia, and a young girl in Missouri.飓风还使阿拉巴马州另外两人死亡,邻近的乔治亚州九人,和密苏里州的一个年轻女孩死亡。

8.But one small company in the American state of Georgia is making traditional Chinese chopsticks -- and sending them to China.但佐治亚州一家美国公司正在制造中国传统筷子并将其销往中国。

9.The Confederate army withdrew south into the state of Georgia. Tennessee was completely in Union hands.盟军将南军撤至佐治亚洲,田纳西州彻底落入联军之手。

10.On September 21st Troy Davis, a black man convicted of shooting an off-duty white popceman, was executed in the American state of Georgia.九月二十一日,美国佐治亚州一位名叫特洛伊.戴维斯的黑人被判定枪杀了一名下班了的白人警察而被处决。