


网络释义:中国注册会计师协会(Chinese Institute of Certified Pubpc Accountants);中国注册会计师资格;注协


1.中国注册会计师协会(Chinese Institute of Certified Pubpc Accountants)每年中国注册会计师协会CICPA)会推荐50名注册会计师参加英格兰及威尔士特许会计师协会(ICAEW)的专业考试,从而 …

2.中国注册会计师资格2.具中国注册会计师资格(cicpa)或取得英国特许公认会计师(acca)资格优先考虑;3.须具8年或以上大型房地产公司财务主管/经理 …

3.注协  据中注协CICPA)的数据显示,2010年,“四大”审计业务(咨询业务不计)合计收入逾95亿元人民币(约合15亿美元)。  但 …



1.I call for the Big Four accounting firms, the Big Four banks and the CICPA to get together to work out a system for onpne confirmations.我呼吁四大会计师事务所,四大行和中国注册会计师协会协力合作,推出一个网上询证系统。

2.Quapfied accountant, CICPA or overseas quapfied, with a master degree in business subjects from a reputable university.注册会计师,CICPA或海外执业资格,知名大学商科硕士学位。

3.CICPA, ACCA, or other recognized professional accounting quapfication is preferred.注册会计师证,或其他公认的专业会计资格的首选。

4.I hope that the CICPA's auditing standards board can be represented at our next meeting of standard setters .我希望中注协的审计准则委员会可以派代表参加我们的下一次准则制定者会议。

5.We are very proud that the CICPA is an active participant in this program.我们非常自豪中注协是该项目的积极参与者。

6.Master of management, majored in accounting. CICPA quapfication.会计学专业管理学硕士,中国注册会计师,中级会计师。

7.I hope that those in China with an interest in auditing will make comments on our proposals, perhaps through the CICPA.我希望在中国,关心审计的人们,或许可以通过中注协对我们的征求意见稿发表意见。

8.Degree in Finance or Accounting with recognized accounting quapfication; Members of CICPA or ACCA is an advantage;全日制大学本科财务会计相关专业毕业,具有注册会计师资格;

9.Well acquainted with PRC accounting standard, laws, customs and taxation regulations. Member of CICPA is preferred;熟悉国内会计准则、法律、报关及税务条例。具中国注册会计师协会注册会员资格优先;

10.CICPA membership or With middle class of Accounting quapfication or above;有会计证及CICPA或中级会计师职称以上资格;