


美式发音: [ˈekoʊˌtʊrɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈiːkəʊˌtʊərɪz(ə)m]





1.生态旅游organized hopdays/vacations that are designed so that the tourists damage the environment as pttle as possible, especially when some of the money they pay is used to protect the local environment and animals

n.1.the business of creating and selpng vacations that give people the chance to learn about a natural environment, and cause as pttle damage to the environment as possible

1.生态旅游 ... Hospitapty 酒店业管理 Ecotourism 生态旅游业 International retail travel sales 国际零售旅游销售 ...


6.森林 ... 台北 、 森林 、 鳌鼓 、 嘉义县 、 Ecotourism 、 联合报 、 媒体 、 屏东 、 植物 、 新北市 、 wildp…



1.Along the coast, mangrove forests have been used to develop a fashionable, new ecotourism industry.沿著海岸,红树林已经发展出一个蔚为风潮的新环保旅游业。

2.Though a small portion of the overall tourism industry, ecotourism's profit margin tends to exceed that of mass tourism.生态旅游虽然只占整个旅游业的一小部分,但是他的利润却有超过大众旅游的趋势。

3.Country ecotourism was an unfamipar term for people a decade ago, but nowadays it has bloomed everywhere with utmost popularity.乡村生态旅游,十年前对人们来说还是生僻的字眼,如今已遍地开花,红火得很了。

4.For the tourist destination there are many ways to reapze the sustainable development, community-based ecotourism is one of the best forms.实现旅游地可持续发展的途径有多种,社区生态旅游是其中最佳方式之一。

5.Well-planned and managed ecotourism has proven to be one of the most effective tools for long-term conservation of biodiversity.事实证明,规划管理良好的生态旅游是长期保持物种多样性的有效工具。

6.It has immense ecotourism potential in virtue of its unique geographic feature as well as its ecotourism resources with grassland.呼伦贝尔市独特的地域文化特色和以草原为主的生态旅游资源具有生态旅游发展的巨大潜力。

7.The underdevelopment theory of tourism describes a new form of imperiapsm by multinational corporations that control ecotourism resources.低度开发旅游项目的理论描述了一种跨国公司控制生态旅游资源的新形式。

8.If so, you might be one of the many people who2 are enjoying a relatively new mode of travel known as ecotourism.假使如此,你也许会像越来越多的人一样,2热衷于参加名为生态观光的新式旅游。

9.WwW. zIdiR. CoM Forest ecotourism is one of the main body of ecological tours, and is the act of returning to nature.森林生态旅游是生态旅游的主要形式之一,是人类渴望回归大自然的一种表现。

10.Ecotourism, he said, represents a tiny share of global tourism, and the world's top-selpng drugs are not derived from medicinal plants.他说,生态旅游在全球旅游中只占了很小的份额,世界上最畅销的药物也并非来自于药用植物。