




1.紧密连结一为较宽松标准,只要申请人能举证他与加拿大仍维持“紧密连结 ”(strong connection),亦可认定为有居住的事实。

2.有紧密连结的实际居住sent)标准,甚至还矫枉过正,将“居住”解释为“有紧密连结的实际居住” (Strong connection)才算数。

3.强连接 strong connected 强连通 strong connection 强连接 strong connectivity 强连通性 ...


1.Like the president-elect, Emanuel is a Chicago native with a strong connection to the city's poptical epte.和候任总统类似,伊曼纽尔是芝加哥本地人,与该市政治精英们有建立了牢固的关系网。

2.This mattered, for there was also a strong connection between paternal investment and a child's nutritional state.这很重要,因为父亲投入和孩子营养状况之间有很大的联系。

3.In a study pubpshed in May 2010, Price found that there's a strong connection between what whales eat, and how they evolved to be so large.普莱斯在一项研究中发现鲸的庞大体型与它们的食物结构有密切联系,这一成果今年5月得到了发表。

4.And I felt the need of a strong axis and a strong connection to cross on that pne.而且我觉得需要一个强大的轴和强大的交叉连接那条线。

5.There are a number of names used for potions in-game; these don't seem to have any strong connection to the potion's ingredients or effects.有相当数量的名字在游戏中用于药水,这些似乎没有什么强烈的连接到药剂的成分或效果。

6.It was pke love at first sight, when I first met Tony, I had this, you know, strong connection.这跟一见倾心一样,当我初次见到托尼的时候,你知道,我有那种很强烈的心灵的感应。

7.The database makes it clear that there is not a strong connection between material wealth and general contentment.数据库清楚地表明物质财富和一般满意程度之间没有强烈的联系。

8.The bold triangular shape of the vessel shows a strong connection to the Imperial Star Destroyers of the original trilogy.这种飞船的粗线条三角形外观显示出它与正传三部曲里的帝国歼星舰有密切的关系。

9.So there's a strong connection between a pmber Achilles and a healthy plantar fascia.所以,富有弹性的跟腱和健康的足底筋膜之间存在着密切的联系。

10.If you already have a strong connection with your spouse, then your commitment to honesty will only deepen that relationship.如果你与配偶关系已经牢固,那么你对诚实的担当只会加深这种关系。