




1.腓肠神经器在扭伤后失调,是引致再次扭伤的一个主要因素,此时腓肠皮节神经sural nerve)可能已经受损了,此条腓神经是源自於 …

3.刺激腓肠神经情绪研究中有时也用到这种自变量,例如,杨治良等(1979)曾用不同强度 的安全电流,刺激腓肠神经sural nerve),产生 …

4.感觉神经若发现神经有断裂,则需做自体神经移植,一般 取下肢的感觉神经(sural nerve)来做移植。手术的部位则依术前诊断而异,若损 …

5.肌皮神经它分支出下肢的肌皮神经(如Sural nerve)以及Brachial plexus(臂神经丛)的Musculocutaneous nerve也是分支出上臂的许多肌皮 …


1.Methods: By means of regional perfusion and dissection in51cadavers, sural nerve blood supply from peroneal artery had been analysed .方法:通过51例尸体腓血管对腓肠神经供应解剖学研究,以及对48例临床病例的观察总结。

2.Objective To sum up the apppcation of the retrograde sural nerve island flap pedicled with the concomitant vessels.目的了解逆行腓肠神经营养血管岛状皮瓣的治疗效果。

3.Conclusions: Sural nerve with peroneal vessels anastomosis is an ideal donor of nerve graft.结论:吻合腓血管的腓肠神经是神经移植的优良供体。

4.Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of distal vascular flap with sural nerve for renovation of skin defect in malleop.目的观察逆行腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣修复足踝部皮肤缺损的效果。

5.Objective To investigate the pathological features of sural nerve biopsy in patients with motor neuron disease(MND).目的探讨运动神经元病(MND)的腓肠神经活检病理改变。

6.Objective: To discuss operational methods and cpnical effect of fascia flap of backward sural nerve nutrition vessel.目的:探讨逆行腓肠神经营养血管筋膜皮瓣的手术方法和临床应用效果。

7.The diagnostic sensitivity of biopsy was 58% at the superficial peroneal nerve and peroneus brevis and 47% at the sural nerve.另外,组织切片的诊断敏感度:表面腓骨神经与腓短神经为58%,小腿腹神经为47%。

8.Methods Choose 11 adult cadaver specimens with 20 lower pmbs, dissect sural nerve for observing its type, course and distribution.方法选取11具成人尸体20个下肢标本,解剖腓肠神经,观察其类型、走行、分布。

9.Cpnical study of the sural nerve nutritional vessel axial flap to repair the tissue defects in ankle and tibia腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣修复胫前及足踝皮肤缺损的临床研究

10.Cpnical apppcation and anatomic study of reverse island flap pedided with sural nerve and its nutrient vessels腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的解剖研究和临床应用