




1.最后一夜 10.传说 Legend 1.最后一夜 The Last Night 2.别哭 No Crying ...

2.最后一晚 last night--- 前晚,昨晚,上一晚 the last night--- 最后一晚 last weekend 上周末 ...

3.旅栈的最后一夜 ... 8.异国梦( Dreams in a Foreign Country) 9.旅栈的最后一夜( The Last Night) 10.碧海蓝天( Blue Sea, Blue Sky) ...

4.松浦亚弥 ... 2198. 瑞奇马丁- tal vez.mp3 2208. 松浦亚弥 - the last night.mp3 2221. 陶哲-08- melody.mp3 ...

5.爱情 ... Easter, 复活节, The Last Night, 爱情, Chinese new year, 对联, ...

6.最后的夜晚 最后的夜晚 The Last Night 这是人类最后的夜晚 There were sounds from the mountain at midnight ...



1.The blanket spd to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. It was the last night they'd be having together.老人接过琴,站起身来,毛毯滑到了地上。这是爷孙俩一起度过的最后一晚了,

2.He thought he had been needlessly savage to him on the last night when they had met.他想,头一天晚上,他们遇见的时候,他对他那么粗暴,实在毫无道理。

3.In the last night SNL show, Tina Fey has thrown a joke on Justin that, two years ago, he was one of the babies in 'Baby Mama'.在昨晚《周六夜现场》的节目中,蒂娜•菲对贾斯汀开了个玩笑说,在两年前,他还是只是“妈妈宝宝”中的一员。

4.On the last night in Lykia World, there was a special performance for all the kids and their parents, it was very interesting and wonderful.在酒店的最后一个晚上,有一场专门为孩子们及其父母们的表演,非常有趣而又精彩。

5.It was the last night that the street lamp shone over the side street.这是他照亮街道的最后一晚上了。

6.Oshio also opened the main stage on the last night for ZZ Top and one of the top Swiss rock bands Krokus.最后一夜他也在主舞台为ZZTop组合和瑞士摇滚乐团Krokus(伴奏)。

7.On New Year's day, in the early morning, the last night adults closed door to open, meaning chun connect blessing, a thriving business.年初一,一大早,大人们就把昨晚关闭的门给打开,意为迎春接福,招财进宝。

8.On the last night before they were to return home, we had arranged a family get-together.在他们返家的头天晚上,我们安排了一次家庭聚会。

9.The last night of their visit, we went out to a restaurant. Emily didn't offer to pay for my meal, which I thought was rude.昨天他们的到来,我们去了饭店就餐,艾米丽没有显示帮我买单的意思,我感觉她的行为很粗鲁。

10.When Anita Mui being interviewed later, she admitted that her part for [The last night of King Tai Pan] is in pmbo.梅艳芳在事后接受记者采访时承认她主演《金大班的最后一夜》悬了。