


美式发音: [əˈraɪv(ə)lz] 英式发音: [ə'raɪv(ə)lz]





n.1.The plural of arrival2.the part of an airport that deals with passengers who are arriving. The part that deals with passengers who are leaving is called departures.

1.进站 出口 exit;out;way out 进站(进港、到达) arrivals 不需报关 nothing to declare ...

2.进港 Airports shuttle 机场班车 Arrivals 进港 Assistance 问讯处 ...

3.到港 address in ____ 预定居所在 ●Arrivals 到港 immigration 到港审查(移民局) ...

4.接待人数 ... 西安 XI’AN 接待人数 (人次) ARRIVALS 外国人 FOREIGNERS ...

5.入境室 ... 领物处 Lost and Found 入境室 Arrivals 出境室 Departures ...

6.预抵 Reservation statues 预订状态 Arrivals 预抵; Arrived 已到店; ...

7.抵达和离港 ... CHILDREN/SENIORS 4.50 儿童/老年人4.50元 ARRIVALS &;; DEPATURES 抵达和离港 ATM MACHINE **…

8.进港处 agree with v.+prep. 同意 Arrivals n. (机场的)进港处 exit n. 出口 ...


1.It's hard to overstate the rate of change; even recent arrivals point to shopping malls where neighborhoods stood just a few years ago.并非是夸大这发展的速度;即使近期迁入的人指出小区所在的大型购物中心也就几年前所建。

2.For now, a spate of rough weather in the southern Mediterranean seems to have slowed the rate of new arrivals.现在,一个在地中海南部恶劣天气一连串似乎减缓了新移民率。

3.The solution is elegant and unexpected: new arrivals should go directly to the front, to be served immediately after the current customer.解决办法优雅而出人意料:新来的人应该直接到前面去,在柜员接待完当前的顾客后马上接受服务。

4.Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals .当然,人不可能总能守时,社会和商业界的礼仪也有期迟到的规则。

5.She did not authorise treating other arrivals that way, she insists.她肯定地表示自己并没有同意对其他入境者也同样处理。

6.Dalgpsh accepts there will be some movement in and out but he will not settle for anything less than the best in terms of new arrivals.加下必有转会运作,但是在新援方面也不会勉强同意非最好的球员加盟!

7.They did not know that the smoke from nearby chimneys was coming from crematoria burning the bodies of earper arrivals.他们并不知道附近烟囱里的滚滚浓烟却是那些先来的人的尸体被火化时冒出的浓烟。

8.Sibpngs of two participants in Friday's spy swap, one of the largest since the Cold War, told of hearing brief reports on their arrivals.周五的间谍交换是冷战后最大规模的交换之一。据两名参与者的亲属称,他们简短地向家人汇报了已经抵达的消息。

9.The Old Lady is ready to move and shake and a number of new arrivals are expected to land at Vinovo in three months.老妇人已经准备好采取行动了,一些新援将有可能会在三个月后抵达维诺沃基地。

10.When the new arrivals got to Rio, often the only way to find a home was to build one out of orphaned bits of timber and masonry.当新的移民来到里约,找到栖身之地的唯一方法就是用小块零碎的石头和砖瓦自己动手盖。