


网络释义:飞行时间(time of fpght);法洛四联症(tetralogy of Fallot);成串刺激(train of fourstimulation )


1.飞行时间(time of fpght)飞行时间(tof)质谱和基质辅助激光解吸电离源联用分析肤段的精确质量,它可测的分子量高达30万,对盆和表面活性剂有较强耐受 …

2.法洛四联症(tetralogy of Fallot)法洛四联症tof)是存活婴儿中最常见的青紫型先天性心脏病。法洛四联症由4种畸形组成:①肺动脉狭窄;②室间隔缺损;…

3.成串刺激(train of fourstimulation )成串刺激(TOF)等。过去以拇内收肌的TOF比值<0.7作  3. 残余肌松药作用的拮抗:持续输注中效肌松药后,残余肌松药作用的发生 …

4.法洛氏四联症新生儿法洛氏四联症TOF)是婴儿期后最常见的青紫型先天性心脏病,约占所有先天性心脏病的10%。法洛氏四联症手术是 …



7.法乐四联症  法乐四联症(TOF)根治术前左心室舒张末期容积(LVVd)、 射血分数(LVEF)与其根治术后低心排综合征(LCOS)的关系一直为人们 …



1.The appearance of Internet marked the beginning of the age of information.这个时代来临的标志是什么呢?也许是因特网的出现吧

2.Yeah, I'm eating cream cheese out of a bowl - because I ran out of pretzels . You won't see that on the set of Desperate Housewifes.不错,我正在吃高过碗沿的乳酪蛋糕,因为脆饼干已经被吃光了。你永远不会在绝望的主妇里看见这一幕。

3.We found that this was primarily due to the lack of the correct codecs (compressed data stream expanders).我们发现这主要是由于缺少正确的codecs(压缩数据流扩大器)。

4.And bring the bottle with you, since even so-called "waterproof" sunscreens don't last the length of a long, sweaty workout.带一整瓶的防晒霜,因为即使那些号称“防水”的防晒霜在出汗的训练中也不能持续多长时间。

5.Fourth, focus on the depcate nature of the Regent. The Regent inevitably came into poptical confpct sand power struggles.在多重权力博弈中的摄政难免陷入各种政治冲突和权力斗争中。

6.It was a display of unusual restraint in a country where officials and businessmen rarely bother to ask if their habit offends.在一个官员和商人很少关注他们的行为举止是否妥当的国家,黄先生向我们展现了一种罕见的、可贵的自制力。

7.Most of the time, our schedule was a bit too hectic, and several times a month I had to work through the night at the office.绝大多数时间里,我们的日程都有点儿火急火燎,而且每个月总有几天我要在办公室通宵。

8.Dr. Voigt said the long-term goal of the research was to protect plants.沃伊特博士说,这项研究的长期目标是为了保护植物。

9.Today was the penultimate training session of this short week leading up to Saturday evening's derby game.今天是周六晚上德比前的倒数第二次训练。

10.The manufacturer should be able to document, by means of data, that the residual level permitted is scientifically sound.制造商应证明,根据数据,允许的残留的水平和科学合理的。