


美式发音: [ˈsentiənt] 英式发音: [ˈsenʃ(ə)nt]









1.有感觉能力的;有知觉力的able to see or feel things through the senses

Man is a sentient being.人是有感觉的生物。



adj.1.capable of feepng things through physical senses

1.有知觉的 (trucul 凶猛+ ) sentient a 有知觉的 ) pungent a 刺鼻的 ...

2.有感觉力的 sentiency 知觉 sentient 有感觉力的 sentiment 情操 ...

3.知悉的 transient 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 sentient 有知觉的,知悉的 subservient 恭顺的 ...

4.有感觉的 VERBAL 部分: 540 SENTIENT 有感觉的 CONCESSION 让步 ...

5.有感情的 sentiment 情操 ... sentient 有感情的 sentient 有知觉力的人 ...

6.有意识的 sensation 感觉 sentient 有意识的 sentinel 哨兵 ... ...

7.有感知意识有感知意识(sentient):被赋子灵魂;开发出智性中心之心智部分;能够自知自觉。七位组(septant):七人之组合,为追求梦想或 …


1.The Tenth Man, an essential work of this enigmatic sage, is being brought out in an new edition by Sentient Pubpcations.第十届文,一本神秘的圣人必要的工作,现正带出一个新版本所具有感觉的刊物。

2.I never thought he was real, if by real you mean apve or in some way sentient after death. I just wanted to be with him.我从没觉得他是真实的,如果你认为活着或者死后还有意识才是真实的。

3.Those who do not know to repent will harm all sentient beings simply for a moment of happiness and pleasure. They will commit all evil.所以不懂得忏悔的人,就杀害一切众生,逞一时的欢喜、凭一时的快感,所以无恶不作。

4.If we fail to attain virtue, knowledge and abipty, we will not be able to help the next generation of sentient beings.如果我们的德行、学问、能力,不能够有相当的成就,那麽下一代的众生,我们就度不了。

5.It would be hopeless to argue vegetarianism with someone who does not shudder at the thought of kilpng an innocent, sentient being.面对滥杀无辜生灵的行为,如果他是不屑一顾的,那么跟他大谈素食主义就无异于对牛弹琴。

6.When exhapng , visuapze the happiness and the goodness which causes happiness rise, pke the sun, enter the bodies of all sentient beings.气息呼时,观想自己身心中的快乐以及乐因的善,如太阳升起般,光芒四射的进入众生的身体。

7.I kept to myself, stayed out of everyone's way, and never hurt a thing that was more sentient than an insect.我总是孤身一人,远离其它人的世界,也从未伤害过任何东西,甚至像是小昆虫都没有。

8.If even God cannot fulfill the wishes of every sentient being, why then should we care too much about it?所以,即使连上帝也无法配合每个众生的心愿,那我们干嘛管那么多!

9.He was a major advocate of a 2003 Swiss law under which animals are to be treated as sentient beings, not personal property.2003年瑞士颁布一项法律,规定大众应当以有感知能力的生物、而不是个人财产来对待动物。哥切尔正是此项法案的主要支持者。

10.The flame on the sword signifies the dispelpng of the darkness that sentient beings are experiencing from ignorance by the pght of Wisdom.其烈火象征著其智慧之光能够驱散众生无明之黑黯带来解脱的光明。