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1.东芝 SHARP 夏普 TOSHIBA 新禾 PX 大通电视盒 ...


6.东芝半导体位居第三的东芝半导体(Toshiba)在 2010年营收成长28.7%,该公司在行动装置的 NAND快闪记忆体,以及离散式和光电元件业 …

7.日本的东芝日本的东芝Toshiba)、三菱(Mitsubisch);捷克的斯科达(Skoda) 等,这些 厂家的产品种类基本涵盖了重型机床的全部产 …

8.东芝笔记本东芝笔记本(Toshiba)U920T-T06B 12.5英寸滑盖 平板超级本二合一 正品行货,机打发票,256SSD固态硬盘 黑色 ¥7999¥10000…


1.Like Acer, Toshiba is trying to differentiate the Thrive from the iPad with a lower price.与宏碁的做法一样,东芝也试图让Thrive的价格低于iPad。

2.'The market for tablet devices pke the iPad is attracting a lot of consumer attention, ' said the Toshiba spokeswoman.东芝这位女发言人说,像iPad这样的平板电脑市场正在吸引许多消费者的关注。

3.Toshiba, a large Japanese electronics firm, reckons that DMFCs can be used to produce mobile devices that have no need for batteries at all.东芝,日本一家很大的电子产品公司,认为DMFC能被用来制造根本无需电池的移动设备。

4.Toshiba spokeswoman Kaori Hiraki said the loss estimate was not issued by the company, which is still reviewing its earnings forecasts.东芝发言人KaoriHiraki称,该亏损预估不是由公司发布的,而公司仍在评估获利前景。

5.Toshiba's decision to collaborate with a company with which it competes fiercely in flash memory, among other things, is remarkable.同其它事情相比,东芝公司与它在闪存界竞争激烈的对手公司合作的这项决定是了不起的。

6.Toshiba said that it had not received a complaint so could not comment.东芝表示,尚未接到诉状,因此不便置评。

7.Experts do not view Toshiba's increased stake in the nation's largest nuclear power company as a national concern.专家们并不认为东芝公司增持全美最大的核电公司股份是一件值得国家关注的事情。

8.I've been testing a couple of the new Ultrabooks, from Lenovo and Toshiba, to get a feel for the category, and I'm a fan.我测试了好几款超级本,包括联想(Lenovo)IdeaPadU300s和东芝(Toshiba)PortegeZ830,目的是对超级本有一个总体的感觉。

9.It's just a sad fight now and we are all just waiting for an official statement from Toshiba admitting defeat.现在这只是一场凄惨的斗争,我们都只是在等待东芝承认失败的官方声明。

10.Toshiba says none of its current notebooks contain the potentially problematic memory.东芝表示其现在生成的笔记本电脑没有这个潜在的内存问题。