




1.死者之书还要把灵魂送到另一个世界,所以要有各式咒语和祷文,死亡书(the book of the dead)是一本重要的指南,里面的咒语可将死 …

6.死书  ③ “死书”(The Book of the Dead):又译“死者之书”,古代埃及宗教文艺的一种。本为王公、贵族的陪葬物。


1.Gilded mummy mask of a person of high rank. A spell from the Book of the Dead is inscribed on the headband, 1st century BC.镀金的木乃伊面具,属于上层阶级的某位大人物。死亡之书上的咒语被镌刻在面具的头巾上,来自公元前1世纪

2.Most of the scarabs were inscribed - chapter 30B from the Book of the Dead.多数圣甲虫都来自死亡之书第30B章记录。

3.From their writings, including the Book of the Dead, we can get a sense that the ancient Egyptians were not so different from us.从他们的文字——包括《亡灵书》——我们可以感受到古埃及人其实和我们没有多大区别。

4.Jasper heart amulet of Nakhtamun, inscribed with spells from the Book of the Dead, c. 1300 BC.纳赫特阿蒙(Nakhtamun)的碧玉心形护身符,上面镌刻着来自死亡之书上的咒语,约来自公元前1300年

5.Magician who is searching for the Book of the Dead. Will give an Undead Ring to anybody who finds a copy. Resides in Sharom.居住在夏洛姆,孜孜不倦地寻求死者之书的魔法师。他会给予任何找到这本书的一个拷贝的人一枚死者之戒作为报答。

6.Panel - The Book of the Dead面板–死亡之书

7.The Book of the dead Janine亚尼的死者之书