

day care

美式发音: 英式发音: ['deɪkeə]





n.1.care given to young children while their parents are at work by people who are trained to take care of children. The place where this care is given is called a day care center.2.care given during the day to people who need special help, for example because they are old or have a disabipty

1.日托 ... )Rent: 房租 ) Daycare: 日托所 )Windshield wiper: 挡风玻璃上的雨刷 ...

6.托儿中心学校内设有托儿中心Daycare),有课前课后看顾服务(Before/After School Program);学校设有学前班到8年级,学生读 …

7.日间托儿接受日间托儿( daycare)服务的儿童,这一点必须倍加注意。温哥华市政府的托儿所建筑设计指引,就要求托儿所户内户外的环 …

8.上幼儿园上幼儿园daycare)啦虎妞妈妈 Qing 微博 相关博文 精彩图文 推荐博文 谁看过这篇博文 加载中… (2011-02-21 11:45:13)


1.I then returned to the daycare center. He thought it would be funny if he hid in the trash.最后当我回到托儿所的时候,我发现他藏在垃圾桶里,因为他觉得这样很好玩。

2.Today, one of the children at my daycare came up to me and bit me on the face.今天,我幼儿园的一个小孩冲过来,打了我的脸一下。

3.For one, childrens exposure to bacteria is often significantly higher than that of adults, especially children in daycare or preschool.其中一个原因就是孩子接触到得细菌通常明显高于成人,尤其是孩子在托儿所或者学前班的时候。

4.Even in this high tech age, word of mouth can be very helpful when it comes to selecting a daycare center for your child.即使在这个高科技时代,当说到为您的爱子或爱女挑选一个日托中心时,口口相传还是非常有帮助的。

5.I work at a daycare and my boss just had a baby, and I now have to feed my boss's bottled breast milk to her baby four times a day.我在护理公司上班,老板刚刚生孩子了,所以我要拿老板装在奶瓶里的母乳喂她孩子,一天四次。

6.Bringing your dog to a dog daycare may be an option if your dog does not pke the crate and if your dog is very active.如果你的爱犬不喜欢笼子,而且她非常的活泼,那么带你的爱犬去一家狗狗日托店也是种选择。

7.As you consider sending your child to a childcare or daycare center, there are a number of factors that you need to keep in mind.如果你在考虑着送你的孩子去育儿所或日托所,有许多事实你不得不谨记。

8.Others say that governments and employers should do more to help, increasing daycare funding and allowing staff to work more flexible hours.也有人说,政府和雇主应该为在职父母提供更多的帮助,比如增加儿童日托服务的经费,给予员工更加弹性的工作时间。

9.Given the lack of evidence, it is no longer recommended to keep children with impetigo out of school or daycare centres.由于缺乏证据,它不再是建议保持儿童脓疱疮失学或日托中心。

10.Here are my suggestions to see if you can get your child's daycare to comply with your requests.以下是我的建议,你可以尝试看看能不能使你的日托符合你的要求。