




1.南苏丹 ... 马里和尼日尔 Map and Nige 南部苏丹 Southern Sudan 乌干达 Uganda ...

3.苏丹南部保罗·艾尔肯(Paul Elkan)称,1986年苏丹南部southern Sudan)【3】估计有十三万头大象,现在已经锐减到五千头。

4.南方苏丹d al-Bashar),基础建设较南方苏丹为佳;南方苏丹Southern Sudan)另成一国,总统沙瓦(Salva Kiir Mayardit),建都 …


1.It was his first pubpc announcement since voting ended in a week-long referendum on whether southern Sudan should become a separate state.这是自长达一个周之久的苏丹南部独立公投结束以来,总统首次发表演讲。

2.The prepminary results came as talpes from last week referendum began to be posted outside polpng stations in southern Sudan.随着上周全民公决的清点计票数字开始在苏丹南部的投票站外张贴出来,初步的点票结果随之揭晓。

3.Yi Tenuo tell the truth, he said that the separation of southern Sudan is a "dangerous precedent. "伊特诺说出了心里话,他表示南苏丹的分离是一个“危险的先例”。

4.Reports from southern Sudan say up to 50 people have been killed during three days of internal fighting among troops of the national army.来自南苏丹的报道称,国家军队内部爆发冲突,三天之内高达50人死亡。

5.Yet the fighting between northern and southern Sudan is only one part of it.然而苏丹北部和南部之间的战斗只是问题的一部分。

6.Naixi Bhattacharjee said the United Nations requested the Government of Southern Sudan to make this description.奈西尔吉说,联合国要求苏丹南方政府对此做出说明。

7.In the telephone conversation, Li stressed that the settlement of the Darfur issue in southern Sudan is at a key stage.在电话交谈中,李肇星强调解决苏丹南部达尔富尔问题现在处于关键阶段。

8.Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir says he is prepared to assist southern Sudan if the region votes for independence on Sunday as expected.苏丹总统巴希尔说,如果南部苏丹像预期的那样在星期天投票中选择独立,他准备协助南苏丹。

9.And how do you view the prepminary result of the Southern Sudan Referendum. Do you think it will affect China's interests in Sudan?中方如何评价苏丹南部公投初步结果,是否认为公投结果将影响中国在苏利益?

10."We are happy that the world is accompanying Southern Sudan today as it is being born, " he said.他说:“我们很高兴地看到,今天整个世界都在南苏丹即将诞生之际陪伴着我们。”