


美式发音: [plaʊ] 英式发音: [plaʊ]




复数:ploughs  现在分词:ploughing  过去分词:ploughed  搭配同义词

v.+n.plough furrow

v.cultivate,till,turn over,work



1.[c]a large piece of farming equipment with one or several curved blades, pulled by a tractor or by animals. It is used for digging and turning over soil, especially before seeds are planted.

2.[sing]北斗星a group of seven bright stars that can only be seen from the northern half of the world

IDMunder the plough用于耕作的;作农田的used for growing crops, not for keeping animals onv.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)犁(田);耕(地);翻(土)to dig and turn over a field or other area of land with a plough

ploughed fields犁过的田地

IDMplough a lonely, your own, etc., furrow自耕孤畴(指自行其是或自得其乐)to do things that other people do not do, or be interested in things that other people are not interested in


v.1.犁,耕;开(沟),作(畦);【木工】挖沟(槽)2.开(路);破(浪)前进3.投(资)4.使(额头)起皱5.〈英口〉使不及格6.犁;耕;(土地)适于耕种7.开路;分开积雪等前进 (through) 钻研8.刻苦前进 (through)9.〈英口〉考试不及格1.犁,耕;开(沟),作(畦);【木工】挖沟(槽)2.开(路);破(浪)前进3.投(资)4.使(额头)起皱5.〈英口〉使不及格6.犁;耕;(土地)适于耕种7.开路;分开积雪等前进 (through) 钻研8.刻苦前进 (through)9.〈英口〉考试不及格


na.1.The variant of plow

1.犁 草 grass plough 清真寺 mosque ...

2.耕地 land v.着陆 plough v.耕地 lonely a.偏僻的,人迹罕至的 ...

3.犁耕 remove vt. 移动;搬开 plough vt. 耕;犁耕 n.犁 and so on 等等(表示列举未尽) ...

4.耕种,犁沟 capital n. 首都,资本 plough vt. 耕种,犁沟 n.犁 capsule n. 容器,囊状器,封壳 ...

5.耕作 ... hiccough( 打嗝)⑧ plough耕作,皱眉)⑨ lough( 湖)]如有一 …

6.犁地 ppght 困境; 苦境 plough 犁,犁形器具;犁地 plug 塞子,栓,插头;通电 ...

7.耕犁 灌溉 irrigate;irrigation 耕,犁 plough;plow 铲 shovel ...


1.The markings appeared to have been made by a tractor pulpng some sort of plough which created furrows 10m wide in the difficult terrain.雕刻中的条纹看上去像是由拖拉机牵引着某种犁在险恶地形上犁出的10米宽的沟。

2.Rather, it was a fundamental change in the technology the Mesopotamians used to produce food: the adoption of the plough.相反地,是美索不达米亚常常生产食物的技术的一个基本改变——犁的采用,导致了社会的转变。

3.5, She never came to the idea that the woulthy soft spoken , well-mannered man was a criminal, plough she was suspicious of him.她从来没有认为这个语言和善彬彬有礼的男士是个罪犯,尽管她对他有一些怀疑。

4.So has the PC monopth reformed itself enough to be able to plough through the looming recession?这个pc巨人是否足够改变自己来应对隐现的衰退。

5.The money saved, he says, from naval vessels ceasing to plough the seas would be enough to build a civil infrastructure in Puntland.他说,从结束海军军舰护航而省下来的钱将足够为邦特兰建设公众基础设施。

6.As the sombre wheels of the six carts go round, they seem to plough up a long crooked furrow among the populace in the streets.这六辆车的阴沉的轮子旋转着,似乎在街上的人群中犁出了一条弯弯曲曲的沟畦。

7.J&J sells Remicade, an anti-inflammatory drug, with Schering-Plough, and a deal for the company could give it full rights to the drug.强生与先灵葆雅联合销售消炎药物Remicade,如果达成交易可能会使它获得对该药的全部权利。

8.He said the government would also plough money into the expansion of solar heating systems.张晓强称中国政府还会对扩建太阳能加热系统投入更多资金。

9.Why should any entrepreneur plough money into a new factory when he has no idea what taxes he will eventually be asked to pay?在他还不确定将征收何种税款时,为什么企业家应该将资金投入到新建工厂?

10.My master's surprise equalled or exceeded mine: he remained for a minute at a loss how to address the plough boy, as he had called him.我主人的惊奇跟我一样,或者还超过了我,他呆在那儿有一分钟之久,不知该怎样招呼这个他所谓的乡巴佬。