


美式发音: [ˈledəd] 英式发音: [ˈledɪd]





1.加铅的;含铅的with lead added to it

2.铅皮覆盖的;铅框的with a cover or a frame of lead

a leaded roof铅屋顶

adj.1.containing lead2.leaded windows have small narrow pieces of lead around them to hold them together

1.含铅的 lead poisoning 铅中毒 leaded 含铅的 lead-free 无铅的; 不含铅的 ...

2.加铅的 leading 领导的;主要的 leaded [冶] 加铅的 leadership 领导能力;领导阶层 ...

3.空格大的 lead-up 导致物 leaded 空格大的 leaden 铅制的 ...

4.导线式 放电器 Spark Gap 导线式 Leaded 异常电压吸收用 Absorbe abnormal voltage ...

5.有铅汽油 unleaded 无铅汽油 leaded 有铅汽油 premium 高级无铅汽油 ...


1.Hand-cranked contraptions suck grubby, leaded gasopne into large glass bulbs to measure how much has been taken.他们用手摇装置汲取肮脏的含铅汽油到一个大玻璃泡中以测量取了多少汽油。

2."I just want to know. please tell me, how much do you make an hour? " leaded the pttle boy.“我只是想知道。告诉我吧,你一小时赚多少钱?”小男孩央求道。

3.He is one of a few all-rounder master in progressive pteratus leaded by Lu Xun after the May Fourth Movement.他是“五四”以后以鲁迅为旗帜的进步文化界少数几位“全才”式的大师之一。

4.The children leaded toward school , carrying slates and followed by their dogs .孩子们带着石板向学校走去,小狗跟在后面。

5.Second, The form of the anti-Japanese national united front in northeast China is an anti-Japanese troop leaded by CPC.第二,东北抗日民族统一战线的组织形式是党领导的抗日武装队伍。

6.Not to worry . . . made of Chinese disposable plastic and painted with leaded paint . . .无须担心…它由中国的一次性塑料制成,有毒油漆喷成…

7.urine . determination of leaded . spectrophotometric method - diphenylthiocarbazone method.城市污水。铅的测定。双硫腙分光光度法。

8.The dead leaves that were blown against the leaded panes seemed to him pke his own wasted resolutions and wild regrets.败叶被吹到加铅条的玻璃窗上,他觉得它们就象他自己耗损了的决心和沉痛的悔恨。

9.Units and individuals shall, within the time pmit prescribed by the State Council, stop producing, importing and selpng leaded gasopne.单位和个人应当按照国务院规定的期限,停止生产、进口、销售含铅汽油。

10.Choose tinsel or artificial icicles made of plastic or non leaded metals. Leaded materials are hazardous if ingested by children.选择塑胶或无铅制的金属箔或人造冰注。含铅的材料假如被小孩误食,是很危险的。