




1.非洲之角湖区域(African Great Lakes)、非洲之角区域the Horn of Africa)、西非地区(Western Africa)、中亚地区(Central Asi…

5.东非好望角地区今年,东非好望角地区the Horn of Africa)的索马利亚、衣索比亚、肯亚和吉布地(Djibouti)等国陆续爆发饥饿潮,总计已 …

6.廅於慐洲之德庒外,叶慆相当敍忾廅於慐洲之德(the Horn of Africa)的擀马廪


1.Allan Jury is with the World Food Program. He said the situation is worsening and pleads for better access inside the Horn of Africa nation.艾伦。朱瑞是世界粮食计划署的官员。他说,情况在恶化,他呼吁索马里让救援人员能够更容易地进入这个非洲之角国家。

2.As a result of that modepng I ended up in all places, in Eritrea, in the Horn of Africa.做这个模型,我最终找到一个叫厄立特里亚省的地方,在非洲之角那里。

3.She said the US had already provided $431m this year in emergency aid to the Horn of Africa, but that was "not enough" .他说美国今年已经提供给非洲之角四亿三千一百万美元紧急援助,不过这是“不够的”。

4.Scientists say the dry conditions in the Horn of Africa are at least partly the result of an event half a world away.科学家们说,在非洲之角的干燥条件下,至少部分是事件的结果半个世界之遥。

5.THE Horn of Africa is one of the last populated bits of the planet without a proper connection to the world wide web.人口众多的非洲之角是地球上最后一块没有实现适度网络联接的地区。

6.you said Iran I think he said the horn of Africa.你说伊朗我觉得他说的是非洲之角。

7.The head of al-Qaeda in the Horn of Africa, one of America's most wanted men, turned his Toyota Hilux right when he should have gone left.这位非洲基地组织的头目、美国通缉的要犯之一本该向左转弯,却鬼使神差地把他的丰田海拉克斯拐向了右边。

8.U. N. Humanitarian Chief John Holmes says that the long-standing crisis in the Horn of Africa has been made worse by the global food crisis.联合国负责人道主义事务的副秘书长霍姆斯说,全球食品危机加剧了非洲之角地区长期以来的危机。

9.Yemen has long been a major transit point for illegal migration from the Horn of Africa.长期以来,也门一直是来自非洲之角的非法移民重要的中转站。

10.What he found when he visited Djibouti, a small, pttle-known country on the Horn of Africa, felt eerily famipar.当他到达吉布提的时候,这个地处非洲之角、鲜为人知的小国家的景象让他感受到奇异的熟悉。