





2.最后一节课 下课后 after class 最后一节课 the last class 上数学课 have maths class ...

3.最后一堂课 ... 打破老师的花盆 Broke the teacher's flowerpot 最后一堂课 The last class 低头 Lower your hea…


6.最后教室 威尼斯商人, The merchant of Venice 最后的一课, The last class 泰美味 = Tasty Thai ...

8.最后的教室um of Picture Book Art)与《最后的教室》(The Last Class)成为常设性的展示空间,《家的记忆》(House Memory)、 …


1.After the last class before graduation, the girl asked the young professor a question as she had done before.在毕业前的最后一节课上,这位女生又像往常一样提问题。

2.The take-home final exam will be based on the next-to last class of the course, and will be due at the beginning of the last class.带回家的课外期末考试将会根据课程倒数第二节课的内容,并且交件截止日是在最后一节课开始时。

3.A work around is to make a copy of your classes directory and add it as the last class folder.一种变通方法是复制你的类目录,并将它作为最后的类文件夹加入。

4.After the last class, we were encouraged to use any bit of extra time for study.在最后一节课后,我们又都被鼓励抓紧每一点空闲时间学习。

5.This is the last class in French, so I beg you to be very attentive.今天是你们最后一堂法语课,所以我请你们一定专心听讲。

6.Time slots for your oral presentations will be selected in the last class and changes will not be allowed.在最后一堂课时,你将选一个时间讲解你的口头报告,并且不允许改变口头报告时间。

7.But I am on duty this noon and I supervise five classes of students for self-learning at the last class time this afternoon.但是我今天中午值日,最后一节课又监督五个班的同学上自习。

8.The final presentation will involve showing and discussing these stories with a panel of guests invited to the last class.期末报告是对受邀参与最后一堂课的来宾展示成果,并讨论这些故事。

9.My classmates made a new learning plan for the next term on the last class meeting.在上个班会上,同学们制定了他们新学期的学习计划。

10.This is the last class in French, so I want you to be attentive to what I say.这是最后一堂用法文授课,所以我要你们都专心听讲。