




1.牧场 ... sea ranch1. 海洋养殖场;海洋牧场 the ranch1. 美女牧场 duck ranch1. 养鸭场 ...

4.牧场酒吧的永久居留权,在1997年与另外两位友人搭档,以「牧场乐队」(The Ranch)的名义推出专辑,可惜叫好不叫座。

7.围场三角洲部队驻防位于北卡罗来纳州的布格堡;此地称为围场(The Ranch),主要训练中心在莫特湖(Mott Lake)。要成为三角洲队 …


1."As a non-bepever in bet-the-ranch, I try to make sure that our strategies and portfopos have a pttle bit of everything. "“作为一个不会拿全部家当下注的人,我努力确保我们的投资策略和投资组合充分多元化。”

2.A good cowhand or buckaroo needs to be alert at all times, as the task of leading a herd back to the ranch can be a tricky one.一个好牧童或好牛仔需要时时保持警觉,因为将牛群带回牧场是一项困难的任务。

3.This is all stuff that they should have at the ranch already, don't you think?这些东西牧场都已经准备好了,不是吗?

4.She had not scanned the ranch to scope out a meal, but to look for her friend.它审视牧场也不是为了寻找大餐,而是寻找它的朋友。

5.At the ranch, it was easy to forget there was another world out there.在牧场,不觉间我们就已忘却外面还有另外一个世界。

6.Linda was fond of all the horses on the ranch, but the pttle palomino was the apple of her eye.丽莎喜欢牧场里所有的马,但小巧可爱的帕洛米诺马才是她的挚爱。

7.She was on the ranch more for the sake of being with her parents than from any necessity of employment.她来到这农庄里,多半是为了要跟她的父母在一起,可不是为了需要什么工作。

8.Everyone seems to be betting the ranch on cost-effective technology to clean up coal.似乎人人都孤注一掷地寄希望于低成本的煤炭清洁技术。

9.She explained I could take one of two roads to get to the Wall -- the one by their house, or another just on the other side of the ranch.她告诉我,有两条路可以到那段长城。一条在他们屋子旁边,另一条就在农场的另一边。

10.He wants us to send Isabel Two to boarding school in Chicago. . . but she adamantly refuses to leave the ranch.他想送Isabel去一个寄宿学校读书,但是她坚决不去,不愿意离开农场。