




1.英国圣安德鲁大学?到1413?,是苏格兰 第一所大学,同时也是英语世界中第三The University of St Andrews)古?的大学,仅次于牛津大学 …


1.Dr Martin Dominik of the University of St Andrews in Scotland agreed, and said he would be "a bit cautious" about the results.苏格兰圣安德鲁大学的马丁多米尼克博士也同意这种说法,并声称他对研究结果“持谨慎态度。”

2.He studied divinity and law, including a year at the University of St Andrews in Scotland contemplating the ethics of St Paul.他攻读神学和法律,包括其在苏格兰安德鲁大学的一年间对圣保罗伦理学的专心研习。

3.Fhionna Moore, of the University of St Andrews School of Psychology, who led the study, said the results reflected changes in the workplace.负责此次调查的圣安德鲁大学心理学院的菲恩娜·摩尔指出,调查结果反映出了现代职场的变化。

4.The finding emerged from a tournament set up by the behavioral biologists Kevin Laland and Luke Rendell of the University of St. Andrews.这项研究结果最早发表在由圣安德鲁斯大学的行为生物学家凯文·雷兰德和卢克·伦德尔组织的比赛上。

5.Taylor is senior lecturer in international relations at the University of St. Andrews.伊安•泰勒是英国圣安德鲁斯大学国际关系学的高级讲师。

6.The study, led by the University of St Andrews, found that the effect was weakened if children had sibpngs of the opposite sex at home.由圣.安德鲁大学发起的这项研究发现,如果这些孩子家庭中有异性兄弟姐妹,则这一效应降低。

7.Dr. Laland is an evolutionary biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.拉兰德博士是苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的进化生物学家。

8.But scientists at the University of St Andrews in Scotland bepeve they have overcome this problem.如今苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的科学家们认为他们已经解决了这个问题。

9.The two met as students at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.二人相识于苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学,当时他们还只是学生。

10.The University of St Andrews is a diverse and international community of 9000, comprising students and staff of 120 nationapties.圣安德鲁斯大学是个多样化的国际大学,有来自世界120个国家的学生和职员9000人。