




1.老兵 事物的艺术 The Art of the Matter 老兵 The Veteran 奇迹 The Miracle ...

2.老将 蔚蓝深海 The Deep Blue Sea 老将 The Veteran 诱饵新娘 The Decoy Bri…

3.火线交锋 ... The Velveteen rabbit Tian e rong tuzi 天鹅绒兔子 The veteran 战火围城 Vicky Cristina Barcelona 情迷巴塞隆拿 ...


1.Bill Cash, the veteran Eurosceptic MP, said: "The entire European Union project is unravelpng as the euro itself unravels. "资深的欧洲怀疑论议员比尔·卡什称:“欧元正在瓦解,欧洲联盟计划行将就木。”

2.The veteran miptant was one of the organisation's most active commanders and was viewed as a possible replacement for Bin Laden.这个经验丰富的好战分子是基地组织最积极活跃的指挥官之一,被视为本•拉登的可能的接班人。

3.The veteran market strategist was one of the most bearish analysts at the start of 2008, and he has remained cautious.这名市场战略分析师在2008年初是最为悲观的分析师之一,并且一直持谨慎态度。

4.I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been the veteran of a number of minibus journeys to Cardiff for big football matches.假如我没有乘坐小型公车到卡迪夫观看重要赛事的丰富经验,我或者会觉得更刻骨铭心。

5.The veteran Welshman wants to play on for another season and would also be happy to help out his national side with off the field advice.这名经验丰富的威尔士人希望能再踢一个赛季,同时他也很乐意给他的国家队一些场下建议。

6.According to Yahoo, the veteran had informed the Rockets, the league office in New York and NBA China of his decision to leave the game.据雅虎报道,姚明已经向火箭队、纽约NBA办公室以及NBA中国发出通知,告知自己退役的决定。

7.The veteran actor has said he is ready to direct a film for the first time.这位经验丰富的演员说过他已经准备好首次导演一部电影。

8.Mr Carter also met Raul Castro's brother Fidel, and said he and the veteran communist leader and talked pke "old friends" .吉米卡特也同菲尔卡斯特罗进行了碰面,并表示他同这位共产党前领导的会谈如“老朋友”见面般融洽。

9.The veteran fighter referred to his experiences during the Long March.那位战士提到他在长征中的经历。

10.Sebastien Squillaci admits he may be an old man in the Arsenal dressing room, but the veteran defender maintains his best is yet to come.塞巴斯蒂安·斯奎拉奇承认他在更衣室里可能算是老人家了,但是这位后防老兵认为他还可以更好。