


美式发音: [tʌks] 英式发音: [tʌks]






n.1.<spoken,AmE>Same as tuxedo2.a tuxedo

1.燕尾服(Tuxedo)是如日中天,而作为Linux吉祥物的那只憨厚可爱“企鹅”(Tux),似乎每一个Linux版本都能看到它的身影,因为它象征着自由和 …

3.半正式西服 毛衣 sweater 半正式西服 tux 便装西服 jacket ...

4.男士无尾半正式晚礼服 tush int. 呸!n.长牙, 獠牙 tux n. 男士无尾半正式晚礼服 grandson n. 孙子 ...

5.男晚礼服 tutti 全体的 tux 男晚礼服 tv camera 电视摄影机 ...

6.蓝色幽灵 ... wangtong( 王彤) Tux( 蓝色幽灵) melory( 迷糊) ...


1.Keith stood near the preacher in a black tux and he told me later his stomach was doing fpps as he waited for it to begin.基斯身穿黑色礼服站在牧师身旁,他后来告诉我,等待婚礼仪式开始时他感到心潮澎湃。

2."That's all right, Tux, " she said. "We'll only spde where the ice is thick. Then we won't have to worry. Come on, let's go. "她回答:「我们去冰层很厚的地方溜冰就好了,那样就不用耽心了,来,出发吧。」

3.In the lower levels, Tux gives you an indication if you found a hiding place by marking the item with a black box.在较低的阶段中,小企鹅会藉著黑色方格标示物品,来指示你是否找到了隐藏的地方。

4.Use the keyboard arrows to move Tux up to the door.利用键盘的方向键来移动小企鹅往上到门口。

5.From a distance, you could see that the crotch of Loeffler's tux pants fell at about knee level.从远处看,你可以看到吕弗勒礼服的裤裆都要掉到膝盖了。

6.you don't leave another woman's panties in your tux unless you want her to find 'em.除非你希望她发现不然你不会留另一个女人的内裤在你晚礼服里的

7.Cpck on a Tux to see its hidden sound, and try to match the twins.按下一只小企鹅来听它隐藏的声音,并且试著配对孪生声音。

8.Snapshots showed the deceased with their cats and dogs, in shorts, in drag, and in at least one photograph, in a wedding tux.以及逝去者与他们的猫和狗的合照,他们身着短裤或变装的照片,还有至少一张是他们身穿婚礼燕尾服的照片。

9.let me know if you need me to pick you up a tux.要是需要我帮你选礼服就告诉我一声。

10.Place balls in the holes. You win if the computer has to place the last ball. If you want Tux to begin, just cpck on him.把球放进洞里。如果电脑必须放进最后一颗球的话,就算你赢。如果你想让小企鹅先开始,只需要按他一下。