




1.衣柜 ... 1. chifforobe 衣橱五斗橱;衣橱 1. The Wardrobe 衣橱,衣柜 2. clothespress 相关词条 ...

2.衣橱 ... 02 Father Milon 米隆老爹 03 The Wardrobe 衣橱 04 Two Friends 两个朋 …

3.魔衣橱 ... 1. The Bptz,1940 空袭,1940年 3. The Wardrobe 魔衣橱 4. Lucy Meets Mr. Tumnus 露西遇到吐纳 …

4.衣柜夫人 ... 阿齐 Chip 衣柜夫人 The Wardrobe 花木兰 Mulan ...

5.衣柜婶婶 ... 阿齐 Chip 衣柜婶婶 The Wardrobe 花木兰 Mulan ...

6.近藤高子 ... WARDROBE1. 某一季节那一类型的服装 THE WARDROBE1. 近藤高子 ...

7.整体衣柜 电子媒体 The media 整体衣柜 The wardrobe 整体橱柜 Ambry ...


1.He forgot all about Lucy and went towards the pght, which he thought was the open door of the wardrobe.他已经将露茜忘的一干二净,只顾朝着那亮光走去,他还以为那里就是开着的橱门呢。

2.He had not exactly lost it; he had cpmbed in the dead of night to the top of the wardrobe and hidden it there.其实,药瓶子并没有丢,是达林先生在深夜里爬到柜顶上把它藏在那儿了。

3.Harry pitches Dobby into the wardrobe just as the door opens and uncle Vernon enters.哈里将多比关入衣橱,正在这时,弗农叔叔进来了。

4.In C. S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, one of the children asks if Aslan the pon, the savior of Narnia, is safe.在鲁益师的《狮子、女巫、魔衣橱》中,其中一个孩子问,纳尼亚王国的救主狮子王阿斯兰是否安全。

5.The windows and the wardrobe were shaking as if there was an earthquake or something similar.房间的窗户和衣柜也在晃,好像在地震或是什么的一样。

6.not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been, but a long way off.本来衣橱后壁只有几英寸远,但这盏灯看上去却在老远老远的地方。

7.The owner of the house had the wardrobe and figured he might as well add a touch of magic to the house for a pretty amazing result.屋主拥有这个衣柜,并设想一下他还可以为房子非常令人吃惊的效果增加一点魔力。

8.Do you think it will understand that only women who will stand in the wardrobe with clothes before sadly said she did not fit to wear.你想一下就会明白,只有女人才会站在塞满衣服的衣橱前难过地说她没有合适的衣服穿。

9.He called her a "dazzpng singer" but added that she "puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer . All crass and no class. "布莱克威尔称她为“一个让人眼花缭乱的歌手”,不过又说她“全无穿衣品味,粗枝滥叶,毫无档次”。

10.I had taken a snapshot of the wall a few days before the shoot and sent it to Sharon so she could plan the wardrobe.我在几天前简单的拍摄了这面涂鸦墙,并且把这张照片发给了Sharon,所以她可以提前计划她的服装。