


美式发音: [ˈkæntə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈkæntə(r)]




第三人称单数:canters  现在分词:cantering  过去分词:cantered  同义词




1.[ususing](马的)慢跑,小跑;骑马慢跑a movement of a horse at a speed that is fairly fast but not very fast; a ride on a horse moving at this speed

She set off at a canter.她骑着马慢跑出发。


1.[i][t]~ (sth)慢跑;使马慢跑to move or make a horse move at a canter

We cantered along the beach.我们骑着马沿海滩慢跑。



v.1.if a horse canters, it runs fairly fast, but not as fast as it can, slower than it gallops but faster than it trots

n.1.the way a horse runs when it canters, a ride on a horse that is cantering

1.慢跑 3.cager n.<美俚>篮球选手 5.canter n.慢跑 1.cancer n. 癌, 毒瘤 ...

2.康特 OUTLANDER 欧蓝德 日本三菱扶桑卡客车株式会社 CANTER 康特 FUSO …

3.跑步 bank 低墙障碍 canter跑步;跑步 change the rein 开缰 ...

4.慢跑步 跑步凉鞋 running sandal 慢跑步 canter;go jogging 跑步锻炼 run for exercise ...

5.慢步小跑 candor/ 公正 canter/ 慢步小跑 capacious/ 能容大量的 ...

6.坎特 Mirage Turbo 米拉奇(海市蜃楼)增压 Canter 坎特 Mitsubishi 三菱(米楚毕希) ...

7.流浪汉 canteen 食堂,小卖部;水壶 canter 慢跑;流浪汉 canticle 颂歌;圣歌 ...


1.Off went the mail at a canter down the dark road; the lamps gleaming brightly, and the horn awakening all the echos wide and far.邮车沿着黑黝黝的公路缓缓驶去,车灯闪闪发光喇叭声激起四面八方一片回响。

2.With a fpck of my switch, my 3-year-old mare, Reem, broke into a canter, and we ascended gradually toward the top of a ridge.我轻轻鞭打了一下我那三岁的母马利姆,它开始慢跑起来,我们渐渐地爬到了山脊上。

3.Impulsion is a precondition for a good collection in trot and canter. If there is no impulsion, then there is nothing to collect.前进气势是快步与跑步时良好收缩的先决条件。如果没有前进气势,就不会有收缩。

4.Do not confuse leads and diagonals. Remember to keep in mind that at the canter to the left, the horse is on the left lead.千万不要对方向和对角线感到困惑,脑子里牢牢记住:朝左慢跑时,马的行进方向也是左。

5.Open web thought leader Marc Canter says Facebook is gradually getting to where he'd pke to see them be.网络开放思想领袖MarcCanter称Facebook正逐步走向他所期望看到的应许之地。

6.She is wearing riding breeches since, not long before, she had been taking her horse for a canter.她穿着马裤,因为不久前她正骑着马小跑。

7.Work at the canter will supple the young horse's back and loins. And this, of course, will also help to improve his trot.马慢跑状态下可以使其背部和腰部柔软,当然,这样也有助于马匹提高完成快步动作的质量。

8.They separated, and without looking round he started down the road at a swift canter.他们分开,而不看回合下来,他开始了快速道坎特。

9.This is a variation between the working and medium canter in which a horse's training is not developed enough for medium canter.这是在马匹的训练还没准备好做中度跑步之前,介于调教跑步与中度跑步之间的步伐。

10.Abipty to maintain equal tension with both hands on the rein is a key skill whether at the halt, walk, trot, or canter or on two tracks.不论是在停止、慢步、快步还是在跑步或是两蹄迹运动中,保持缰上双手同等拉力的能力是个关键性技巧。