




1.太阳落山了 go down 1, 下落, The sun went down 太阳落山了 The hepcopter went down in a ball of fire 直升机在一团火中坠落了。 ...

2.太阳落了 adv 向下; 由上向下 The sun went down 太阳落了。 The men are down by the river. 人们从河边下来 …

3.太阳落下去了 The sun sank in the west. 太阳在西面落下去了。 The sun went down. 太阳落下去了。 The moon has gone down. 月亮落下 …


1.And the men of the city said unto him on the seventh day before the sun went down, What is sweeter than honey?到第七天,日头未落以前,那城里的人对参孙说,有什么比蜜还甜呢。

2.It was cold after the sun went down and the old man's sweat dried cold on his back and his arms and his old legs.太阳下去后,天气转凉了,老人的背脊、胳膊和衰老的腿上的汗水都干了,感到发冷。

3.Dany found eight before the sun went down, but there might have been more farther out, hidden in the grass.在日落之前丹妮一共发现了八个茅屋废墟,不过在更遥远的草海中,一定埋藏着更多。

4.Although there was another hour before the sun went down , we suddenly heard the sound of the ship's gun .尽管离日落还有一个小时,我们忽然听见船上传来一声枪响。

5.When the sun went down, they got out of the forest, and before them in the open country stood the gallows .当太阳下山的时候,他们走出了森林,眼前是一片野地,上面立着绞架。

6.The men and the women had to do all their work before sunset. After the sun went down, it was too dark to do farm work or housework.男人和女人必须在太阳下山前做完所有的工作,太阳下山后,天就黑了,不能再做农活和家务了。

7.As the sun went down, the whole sky became suffused with a red glow.当太阳落山的时候,天空呈现一片红色的霞光。

8.Then Netanyahu and Arafat signed the agreement , just before the sun went down and Shabbat began . The Middle East peace was still apve.然后,内塔尼亚胡和阿拉法特签署了协议,恰好在日落和犹太教安息日开始之前。中东和平依然有希望实现。

9.The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.夕阳西下,天空的颜色渐趋深暗。

10.Though it was nice and warm during the day, it quickly got cool after the sun went down. Thus wearing the jackets.尽管白天天气非常的暖和,但太阳一下山就很快变得很冷了,于是我们添加了外套。