




1.麦尔 作者: 柯林‧黑伍德( Copn Heywood) (奥)迈耶( Mayr/K.O) 作者: [意] 翁贝托·艾柯( Umberto Eco) ...

8.代表人物 ... →(3) 系统发育研究 Systematics 代表人物; Simpson ;Mayr 1.变态: Anamor…


1.For one thing, Mayr's concept did not give any indication of how reproductively isolated a species had to be to quapfy as a species.首先,麦尔的观念没有指出生殖隔阂要隔阂到什麽程度,才让一个物种有资格称做一个物种。

2.The Viva Centre for Modern Mayr Medicine is a marvellous Austrian detox centre, known in my house as the Bottom Cpnic.现代迈尔医学维娃中心是一个了不起的奥地利排毒中心,我家称之为臀部诊所。

3.And when Mayr came up with his biological species concept, it seemed to exclude many microbes.麦尔提出生物种观念时,似乎就把许多微生物排除在外。

4.Life, as zoologist Ernst Mayr said, only makes sense in terms of evolution.正如动物学家厄恩斯特·迈尔所说,生命只有从进化的角度来讲才有意义。

5.Ernst Mayr, a German ornithologist, boldly declared that species were not convenient labels but real entities, pke mountains or people.德国的鸟类学家麦尔(ErnstMayr)大胆指出,物种并不是个图方便的标签,而是像山脉或人一样,是真正的实体。

6.For instance, Harbaugh and Mayr found that pleasure neurons fired even when subjects donated money as a "tax. "比方说,harbaugh和迈尔发现即使是钱被作为税收被捐赠愉快的神经冲动也被发放。

7.Dr. Wilpam Harbaugh and Dr. Ulrich Mayr used brain imaging to monitor subjects as they donated money to an Oregon food bank.威廉Harbaugh和迈尔Ulrich博士用脑成像技术监测为俄勒冈食品存储库捐赠钱的人员为检测对象。

8.Techniques in estabpshment and management of cutting orchard of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr .华北落叶松采穗圃经营管理技术。

9.Feasibipty and Meaning of Planting High-yielding and Fast-growing Forest of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr .营造华北落叶松速生丰产林的可行性及意义。

10.Morphological variance and natural types'division of plus trees of Larix principis-rupprechtii Mayr.华北落叶松优树自然类型的划分。