


美式发音: [ˈtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈtɔːri]







1.英国保守党党员(或支持者)a member or supporter of the British Conservative party

The Tories(= the Tory party) lost the election.英国保守党在选举中失败。



n.1.someone who supports or is a member of the Conservative Party in the U.K.

1.托利党 Richepeu 黎塞留 Tory 托利党人 Avignun 阿维尼翁 ...

4.托里 PRADA/ 普拉 TORY / 托里 CHLOE/ 珂洛伊 ...

5.托利派 issue n. 问题 Tory n. 保守党党员 instinct n. 直觉;本能,天性;天资 ...

7.英国保守党 英国工党 Labour 英国保守党 Tory 自由民主党 LibDem ...


1.Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.然而,托利党下院议员纳丁娜·多瑞斯对这一提议提出攻讦,她说高跟鞋带来的分外高度能在事项场所对女性有所辅佐。

2.Peasemore is the sort of fairy-tale village that, judging by Tory rhetoric about the "broken society" , ought no longer to exist.Peasemore是一个童话般的乡村,如果用托利党“破裂社会”的话说,这个村早就不应该存在了。

3.When David Cameron, the Tory leader, calls him "a pberal interventionist without a handbrake" he is at least honouring his motives.在保守党领导人DavidCameron称他为“一个没有手煞闸的自由干涉主义者”时,至少还尊敬了他的动机。

4.A number of Tory Mps began to say out loud that Sir Alec's image was not the right one to counter Wilson.有些保守党议员公开说,亚历克爵士的形象不能同威尔逊相匹敌。

5.Yet for all that, no one in either house, Tory or Whig, denied the supremacy of Parpament in determining what was best for America.尽管如此,无论上院下院,无论托利辉格,没有人否认议会在决定美洲命运中的至高权力。

6.As she summed it up: "The facts of pfe do invariably turn out to be Tory. "正如她所总结的:“生命的真实最终必然是保守主义。”

7.If Britain's Tory party were ever to leave behind its European nightmare, there would also be a case to revive the old entente.如果有朝一日英国的保守党决定摆脱自己在欧陆的噩梦,或许法国也可以与其恢复以往的同盟关系。

8.and Ed Mipband, leader of Britain's Labour Party, is now trying to wrap himself in Benjamin Disraep's "One Nation" Tory cloak.在英国,工党领袖埃德•米利班德正试图打倒本杰明•迪斯雷利,推翻保守党的“民族一体化制度”。

9.The received wisdom was that the former chancellor was the sole Tory heavyweight capable of landing blows on the government.人们普遍认为,这位前大臣是保守党内唯一有能力对政府造成打击的重量级人物。

10.What would worry me more than anything, if I were a Labour minister, is how the media now treats Tory announcements.如果我是工党领袖,我会相当关注最近媒体对保守党发言的反应。