



美式发音: [kɑf] 英式发音: [kɒf]

v.咳嗽;(引擎等)发噗噗声;咳出 (out; up);咳哑(声音)



复数:coughs  现在分词:coughing  过去式:coughed  



1.咳嗽the action of coughing

Another fit of coughing seized him.他那咳嗽又一次发作了。


v.1.咳嗽2.(引擎等)发噗噗声3.咳;咳出 (out; up);咳哑(声音)

n.1.the action of coughing, or the sound you make when you cougstrong.an illness in which you cough often and sometimes your throat and lungs hurt

v.1.to force air up through your throat with a sudden noise, especially when you have a cold or when you want to get someones attention; to force something such as blood out of your lungs by coughing2.to make a sound pke a cough

1.咳嗽 effective 有效的 coughing 咳嗽 esophageal 食管的 ...

2.第二十二节咳嗽 第二十二节咳嗽( coughing) 第二十三节流产( abortion) ...

3.止咳化痰 ... Sore throat 喉咙痛 Coughing 止咳化痰 Dispel Fatigue 消除疲劳 ...

4.酷酷扫有效咳嗽(effective coughing) 有效咳嗽coughing) 1、不能有效咳嗽的原因 、 ?既有的呼吸道疾病,呼吸短促 既有的呼 …


1.First up, coughing, sneezing , fever, running nose, there is nothing unusual about that staff this time a year.首先,咳嗽、打喷嚏、流鼻涕、发烧,每年这个时候这些并不是什么稀奇的事情。

2.You've been coughing for weeks. How do you know if it's just a hard-to-shake cold or something more serious?如果你已经咳嗽了几个星期了,你要怎么确定你只是患了重感冒或是得了更严重的疾病呢?

3.The old gentleman swivelled his eyes on him pke opera glasses and went on coughing: hack, hack, hack: the vocal chords dry as straw.老人的眼睛像一对望远镜一样对他上下打量了一番然后又咳嗽起来:咳、咳、咳;嗓音干得有如稻草一样。

4.It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.直到第二天,又一次咳嗽咳出了更大的肿块时,奥斯本夫人才觉得有问题。

5.Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly.小栓慢慢的从小屋子里走出,两手按了胸口,不住的咳嗽;

6.What a martyr she was! Dirty and deaf and bent and coughing all the time, nothing but a burden to herself.她受了多少活罪!又脏,又聋,又驼背,又是不停地咳嗽,她只是自己的一个累赘。

7.We were all running around coughing and gagging, including the dogs, and trying to figure out what to do with ourselves.我们和狗狗满屋乱转,又是咳嗽又是想吐,弄不清楚自己到底应该怎么做。

8.Its symptoms are in the stool, coughing or crying, in the child's anus to see a purple nodules.它的症状是在排便、咳嗽或啼哭时,在小儿的肛门口见到有一紫红色的结节。

9.If they are unable to speak, trying to clear their throat, or coughing weakly, stay with them and carefully monitor their breathing.如果他们不能说话且尝试清理喉咙,或微弱的咳嗽,则需陪护并细心监管他们的呼吸。

10.How much has he been coughing? Has he any sputum?咳得厉害吗?有痰吗?