





2.兩个中国中共解讀为李登辉试图在国际间制造「兩个中国」(two Chinas)的論述,


1.Meanwhile, the editorial decision to run such an article now is also evidence of what I call the Two Chinas phenomenon.同时,编辑决定发表这样的文章也恰恰证明我所说的两种中国现象。

2.Mr. Lee's visit to the United States is a major matter of principle concerning one China, or "one China, one Taiwan" , or "two Chinas" .李先生访美是有关中国还是“一中一台”或“两个中国”的原则大事。

3.The crucial difference between these two arguments is location and this leads back to Kroeber's thesis of two Chinas.这两种论点间的关键区别是地理位置,而这带我们回到了葛艺豪的“两个中国”的命题。

4.oppose the attempt to create "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan"反对制造“两个中国”、“一中一台”

5.In fact, some experts see the emergence of two Chinas: one modern, wealthy and urban; the other rural, poor and disenfranchised .事实上,一些专家认为,中国已经分化为两个世界:一个现代,在富裕地区和城市,而在其他农村地区,贫困而经济权益仍然被剥夺。

6.Yet many fear that two Chinas are emerging, with the countryside falpng ever further behind.然而很多人担心中国正走向两极化,农村远远的落在了后面。

7.We oppose Taiwan's activities to create "Two Chinas" or "One China, One Taiwan" .我们反对台湾搞“一中一台”或“两个中国”,或允许外国势力干涉中国统一。

8.Any action to stage "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" in the world will exert negative impact on it.在国际上搞“两个中国”、“一中一台”的任何动作,都将对上述良好势头产生消极影响。

9.In 1958, China quit the IOC and other sports organizations that recognized Taiwan, saying it couldn't tolerate 'two Chinas. '1958年,中国宣布无法容忍“两个中国”政策,以此退出承认台湾的IOC和其他体育组织。

10.But by creating two Chinas, it is building up tensions that one day could explode.但是,通过创造出两个中国,户口制度正加剧有朝一日可能爆发的紧张局势。