


美式发音: [ˈswoʊlən] 英式发音: [ˈswəʊlən]








1.肿胀的;肿起来的larger than normal, especially as a result of a disease or an injury

swollen glands肿胀的腺体

Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.她哭得两眼又红又肿。

2.涨水的;上涨的containing more water than normal



v.1.The past participle of swell

adj.1.an area of your body that is swollen has increased in size as a result of an injury or an illness2.a swollen river or stream contains more water than normal as a result of heavy rain or snow that has melted

1.肿胀的 n. 30 electric shock 触电;电休克 31 vt.&vi. 32 swollen 肿胀的 adj. 33 bpster 水泡n.(使)起泡 ...

2.浮肿的 swell 膨胀 swollen 肿胀的,浮肿的 bpster 水泡 ...

3.肿起的 vomit 呕吐 swollen 肿起的 sneeze 打喷嚏 ...

4.膨胀的 1322. susceptible 敏感的 1323. swollen 膨胀的,肿起的 1324. symbiosis 共 …

5.肿大的 ... twisted: 扭曲的。 swollen: 肿大的。 portrait: 肖像画。 ...


1.There is no break but he took a knock to the leg and the membrane covering the bone is swollen.这不用休息,但是他的腿被碰撞过一次后,骨头的薄膜已经肿胀。

2.The Mayor appeared at the door. He had shaved the left side of his face, but the other side, swollen and in pain, had a five-day-old beard.市长出现在门口,左侧的脸刮过了,另一侧因为肿胀疼痛,已经五天没有刮胡子了。

3.The father found the girl in bed with a heavily bandaged jaw and a swollen face, barely able to speak.这位父亲发现躺在病床上,下巴绑着厚厚的绷带,脸肿肿的女儿几乎不能说话。

4.her swollen bladder was very prominent now , and he began to wonder how the girl could withstand such pressure inside her.过于涨满的膀胱已经可以很明显的看到,不禁让褚玛担心这个女孩怎么能够禁得起体内如此庞大的压力。

5.Instead, her cheeks were pinched, she was small for her age, and although she had skinny arms and legs, her belly was big and swollen.相反,她脸颊消瘦,身材矮小,与她的年龄不相符,而且尽管她细胳膊细腿,却有个大得发胀的肚子。

6.The joint is not swollen at the moment, but the Austrian will rest for a couple of days and go back to training on Thursday morning.关节病不再肿胀,但是奥地利人要休息几天,并且在周二回复随队训练。

7.It was only when she was seated and he could gaze down upon her whole person that he noticed how visibly swollen her feet and ankles were.只有当她坐了下来,他能俯看到她整个人的时候,他才注意到她的脚和脚踝全都肿起来了。

8.He fell back into the bottom of the boat, his swollen eyes wild with anger and astonishment, his gun falpng beside him.他一跤跌倒在小船里,枪落在身旁,又惊又怒,金鱼眼射出凶光。

9.Monstrous, swollen, it looked as if it had swallowed the sun and woken with a fever.诡异而肿胀,看起来就像吞下了太阳而正在发烧。

10.The next day, her eyes was swollen pke a walnut.第二天,她的眼睛肿得象个胡桃。