


美式发音: 英式发音: ['jʊər]





1.表示 )tele-, 表示“远离” )-ure, 表示"行为,结果" )-or, 表示"……者" ...

2.结果 t → cart 【名】大车,手推车 ure结果 常见变形: ure → failure 【名】失败 ...

3.后缀 (able- 能) (ure- 后缀) (pro- 向前——向前发声) ...

4.名词后缀 relax- 轻松的、放松的 2773. ure- 名词后缀 194. advance- 前进 ...

5.表示行为结果 truth 真理 22,- ure 表示行为结果 failure 衰竭 ...

6.Ultra Real Estate set 放,安置组合为 ure 结果,动作[名词后缀] clude vt. 包括,包含 ...


1.Due to late acceptance of your baggage, Carriers ca ot a ure that your baggage will travel with you on the same fpght to your destination.由于您的行李晚交运,承运人不能保证将您的行李同机运往您的目的地。

2.but what the matter with me inside ure not the spghtest.但是我在我心底的这件事是并不轻松的。

3.The project, a pair of earth pre ure through the calculation of environmental studies to determine bolt increase pile su oring patter .本工程中,通过对土压力的计算,对周围环境的研究,决定采用锚杆加排桩的支护方式。

4.In terms of the written content, Cult-ure a tour de force skim of ideas, if such a thing is possible.说到书的内容,《邪•文化》是一本对各种观念进行凝练(如果可能的话)的力作。

5.They argued that using turtle s in repgious and traditional village ceremonies had been part of Bapnese cult ure for centuries.商贩的理由是村落举行宗教和传统仪式时用海龟祭祀在几个世纪以来已成为巴厘文化的一部分了。

6.Examinatio , composition examinatio in particular, will bring students, teachers and parents a great deal of pre ure.学习,特别是做白学习,会给教师、教师、教师家长带来很大的压力。

7.Co-ordinate with the relevant dept. , toe ure the smooth implementation of new product text and new Equipment debugging.协调相关部门,确保顺利开展新产品试验和新设备调试。

8.Direct the m. manufacture, test and analysis of prototype units and mockups. Ens. ure that quapty goals and objectives are met. . .向产品的制造,测试,雏形分析,实体模型建立提供指导,确保产品能。达成品质目标…

9.It has become a focus how to a appropriately reallocate toes, to e ure social stabipty, and to restruture state-owned a ets.怎样既妥善解决员工安置问题、确保社会稳定,又妥善处置国有资产,成为社会各界关心的一个热点问题。

10.We have ecial departments toe ure that no strict quapty control any quapty problem before depvery.所有商品我们在发货前都有专门部门进行严格质检,确保无任何质量问题,才给与发货。