


美式发音: [ˈtæbi] 英式发音: ['tæbi]





复数:tabbies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.tabby cat

n.tabby cat,tabby moth



1.斑猫(毛皮灰色或褐色,带有深色斑条或斑点)a cat with brown or grey fur marked with dark pnes or spots




n.1.a cat with fur that has bands of different colors, usually gray or brown and orange

1.斑猫 n. 起波纹的;有斑纹的 tabby 平纹;斑猫;长舌妇 adj. 使起波纹 ...

2.虎斑猫 n. 起波纹的;有斑纹的 tabby 平纹;斑猫;长舌妇 adj. 使起波纹 ...

4.雌猫 tomcat: 雄猫 tabby: 雌猫 cat 有关的谚语及习语: ...

5.波纹绸 波斯羔皮 Persian lamb 波纹绸 tabby ... 神经过敏的 jittery ...

6.塔比 Tabatha: 塔芭瑟 Tabby塔比 Tabea: 塔比 ...


1.Ugly would have been a dark gery tabby, except for the sores covering his head and neck.如果不是它头上和颈上覆盖着伤口,“丑丑”本来可算得上是一只深灰色斑猫。

2.regardless of you whether has such official clothing , all the tabby wrinkle silk must have body type , and never will look to have surplus.无论你是否有这样的正式服装或考究的礼服,平纹皱丝织品都必须要有“身型”,并且从不会看起来有多余。

3.He was a beautiful tabby with a great deal of character.他是一个美丽演出小小有很大的性质。

4.Tabby Cat ready to eat eat mice, he suddenly heard a series of ferocious barking dogs, Tabby Cat unprepared, embarrassed escape.大花猫准备去吃吃老鼠时,突然传来一连串凶恶的狗吠声,大花猫手足无措,狼狈逃命。

5.They shock, each running for, but Tabby Cat implacable, pursued, and finally there was the Tabby Cat caught two small mice.它们震惊之余,各自四处逃命,但大花猫绝不留情,穷追不舍,终于有两只小老鼠被大花猫捉到。

6.Although fox tabby cat after grown-up not pked with the human playing, but it momentarily will take a walk in yours pne of sight.虽然狸花猫到了成年后就不十分喜欢和人玩耍了,但它还是会随时在你的视线之内走动的。

7.The cat, Tabby Sal, had been entered by Anna Esposito under the "pets" section of the last census. Mrs.在上一次人口普查中,安娜埃斯波西托已将这只名为“斑猫萨尔”的猫列入宠物一栏。

8.Bedding materials on the market can be roughly divided into tabby , tweed, satin weave, several fabric compared characteristics vary.市场上的床上用品面料大体分为平纹、斜纹、缎纹,几种面料相比较,特点各有不同。

9.McGonagall is an Animagus who can turn into a tabby cat at will.麦格是一个可以随意变成一只花斑猫的阿尼马格斯。

10.Mice were carrying large decorated sedan chair, the groom elated, Tabby Cat in the side of the envious.小老鼠们抬着大花轿,新郎得意洋洋,大花猫在一旁羡慕得不得了。